Aussie or BC???

    • Gold Top Dog

    Aussie or BC???

    Got a drop off. I saw him yesterday but didnt think anything of it. But today he has decided to come stay at my house. He is very skittish. I cant pet him but he lets Samantha pet him. He is obsessed over  Kujo and isnt paying any attention to the cats.

    Aussie or BC? The tail is throwing me off.



    • Gold Top Dog

     Don't know but sure is handsome!  Are you going to get him adopted out or find a rescue for him?

    • Gold Top Dog

     Can you post a better picture of his face? I'm thinking aussie because his snout looks a bit rounded - more so than a bc.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not sure which breed he is, but he sure is handsome!  Boy, you're just attracting all sorts of dogs lately! Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd say Aussie. He is rather square looking from the pics and his head shape just says aussie more to me based on the bcs and aussies we get in the shelter. How does he move? THe sure is handsome!
    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog


    he's cute =]

    • Gold Top Dog

    He finally let me pet him. He is a rather short dog. Or seems to me he is.

    I am not keeping him. I dont know what we're gonna do with him. JJ is already attached to the new puppy and I have been talking to a breeder about English Setter pups so we just cant keep him also. I will be busy with Lillie in agility and if I get the ES then I will be busy with it too.

    He is really shy. He doesnt seem to care about human interaction. But he has been great around all my animals. He hasnt bothered the cats or kittens. He smelled Tico and that was it. He is obsessed with Kujo(in a good way). He plays great with Lillie. He doesnt get into Cheyanne's space. He is best around Samantha. Shoot he let her pet him all she wanted. Took me 2 hours to get him to let me pet him.

    I had the house door open and he walked in like he owned it. I told him "out" and he went right out.

    Anyone want a dog?!! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    He's an Aussie. 

    Many times a dog either is not socialized well, or has "shut down" from the trauma of losing his pack, and you'll have to actively teach such a dog how to interact with you.  Usually such dogs aren't shy, just smart.  A fairly consistent routine is the best way to help such a dog adjust as quickly as possible.  Don't give in to the temptation to baby him or overwhelm him with demands that he pay attention to you.  What you want is to give him time to watch what everyone in the house does, and then decide where he fits in.  Manage him with a minimum of contact until he's offering contact on his own, and then don't go overboard with praise and other stimulation.  Just note what makes him most comfortable and try to design a schedule around that.

    I hope that makes sense.  I get the aggressive dogs mostly but my favorite dog to work with is the undersocialized/traumatized dog.  It's so rewarding to see such dogs "bloom"!  I'm having such a ball this weekend with my Min girl.  In just one week she's gone from hiding in the bathroom to actively asking to go out and requesting her meals at mealtime.  That's the sort of change you want to see first.  Once these dogs have found common ground, then they can start asking for things like petting.  Then you'll see the real dog and look out!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Aussie for sure.....maybe a little Catahoula somewhere in his past.... he's so cute!! I just wanna hug his furry neck!!