Need some breed help.(kle1986)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Need some breed help.(kle1986)

     Some friends of mine have finally decided to get a dog. They wont be getting one till the first of the year though. Husband is switching over to a better job and they want to wait a couple/few months till they are settled with the new job.

    He wants a male dog. She wants a female dog. They want a puppy. They'll have to work the gender thing out amoung themselves but I told them I would help with finding the right breed for them. They want a small dog but no poodles or high grooming/energy requirement dog. Need to be GREAT around kids. Kids are 3,7,and 8. Somewhat easy to housetrain given this will be their first dog.

    They said they will consider rescue but would really prefer a breed they know for sure the size and temperment it will have when matured.

    • Gold Top Dog

    How about like a beagle or a schnauzer(spelling??)

    • Gold Top Dog

    They dont like beagles. They want something that they can trust in the house when mature and able to be off leash when outside.

    They have been looking at the Scottish Terrier and Schnauzer though.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Shih Tzu?  I'm not a small dog person, but all the Tzus I've met have been very lively (but not overly hyper), trainable, wanting to please, and good with kids.  They have longer hair but pet owners typically just get them shaved a few times a year, and brush whenever needed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    any type of terrier should NOT be trusted off leash. they are terriers..... they hunt and chase - it's just what they do.

    I would reccomend a pug. They are fantastic little dogs - great family pets.

    Shih tzus have a lot of grooming requirements, and are not always in sound temperment as there is lot of overbreeding done with them, as well as other small dogs.

    As far as trusting it in the house - that's all training. Any untrained dog should not and cannot be trusted alone in a home. Neither can a puppy. With the right training and restrictions, any dog can be trained to leave certain things alone. It's a management thing.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would second a pug. All of the ones I've met have been excellent with children, content to be couch potatoes/lap dogs, and have had silly senses of humor.

    • Gold Top Dog

     If they're willing to put in the time to find a good breeder? A Cavalier comes to mind. Moderate energy level, love kids, grooming's easy. The big thing with them is health.

    • Gold Top Dog

     My first thought was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel or a mini schnauzer, although the latter could have a prey drive and a half.... you do have to groom these dogs, but if they are not being shown I don't think the grooming requirements are excessive?

    • Silver


    They dont like beagles. They want something that they can trust in the house when mature and able to be off leash when outside.

    They have been looking at the Scottish Terrier and Schnauzer though.

    Definitely not a Scottie!!!!! They require hand-stipping (hard work), which produces a correct coat type that doesn't shed as much.  If they aren't up to the challenge, then the Scottie must be sent to a groomers, which when clipped, causes Terriers to shed more... In other words a lot of grooming time.  Plus Scotties are horrible off leash, unless they luck into a miracle of a Scottie.  I'm not saying this cause I hate Scotties or something (actually I love the breed), but after living with Airedales, and close friends of our having one... a stubborn one, I might add, they're not for first time dog owners.

    I second (or third) the motion about the Pug.  Low grooming maintenance, great around children (!!) and other animals.  They are a little difficult to train, but as long as they have patience, there shouldn't be an issue.

    Cavaliers are great little dogs too, but as another user mentioned, they have their homework cut out for them when seeking a responsible breeder.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My brother has a Scottie.  He's good off leash, very well mannered inside.  But, I wouldn't say that he "loves" kids, tolerant of everyone and all dogs, but "love", no I wouldn't go that far.

    • Silver


    My brother has a Scottie.  He's good off leash, very well mannered inside.  But, I wouldn't say that he "loves" kids, tolerant of everyone and all dogs, but "love", no I wouldn't go that far.

    LOL.. No, our friends Scottie didn't 'love' kids either.  Tolerated is a better word.  MacTavish was excellent around adults, and was wonderfully calm and quiet inside of the house, just when he saw something that was more interesting across the road.. he go for it, and did on multiple occasions.Stick out tongue  They're wonderful dogs, just definitely not for novice owners, and those with small grabbly kids..

    • Gold Top Dog
    Many toy breeds would be a good fit, I feel. Shi-tzus are great little dogs, a well bred one is an awesome pet who loves everyone! But like already mentioned the do require trimming. Pugs are a nice breed, I have never met one that wasnt friendly. Some other breeds they may want to consider are:

    Pekingese-Need brushing and trimming

    Lhasa Apso-Same as Shi-tzu, needs clipping

    Bichon Frisé-Need grooming but sure are charming little dogs!


    Yorkshire Terrier-Need grooming

    Pomeranian-Like to 'talk' at you.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have Boston Terriers on the brain since I just met one, but maybe it would be a breed for them to look at. They're not really terrier-ish in temperament and they should meet the other criteria.

    • Gold Top Dog

    yess to Bostons! I was going to say it, but I guess I never got that far =]

    I would stay away from the 'fluffy' small dogs - shih tzus, poms, pekes, etc. All require regular grooming and are not always tolerant of children. Schipperkes.... well - I've never had plesent expierences with them,but many people say they are great.

    • Gold Top Dog

     She wants a Boston badly. BUT he doesnt like the face.

    Bostons and Pugs are her choices.

    I also mentioned the Cavilier but their kinda pricey for them wanting just a pet dog.

    I also mentioned Schipperkes after reading up on them. Plus JJ's mom has one that loves Samantha to death. BUT apparently it's too big for what they want.

    Picky picky people I tell you. 

    Basically they want a dog the size of Kujo. Told them good luck with that. I did not know Kujo was gonna stay as small as she is.

    Picky picky people I have to help I tell you.