Need some breed help.(kle1986)

    • Gold Top Dog

    schipperkes are no bigger than your average boston...... Confused

    chances of finding a chihuahua good with all kids is slim... you got very lucky with Kujo - it's all in how you raise them.


    good luck....

    • Gold Top Dog

    You know what, a Boston Terrier would be perfect.  I know he doesn't like the face but if all the other things make it a match maybe he'll reconsider.  Pugs, I don't know I've known laid back pugs and I've know a couple that were very neurotic and could be aggressive due to it.  I also haven't sat for even one that didn't have accidents.

    • Gold Top Dog

    If they are that picky about size, perhaps once they pick a breed they can go through a breed rescue and get a nice adult dog that loves their kids. I'd hate for them to choose a pup, have it grow larger than expected, and then be saddened with the dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Everyone wants Kujo. Because of her size!! Once again it's the husband that wants a tiny dog. But the wife will be taking care of the pup/dog and doing all the trainer so in the end she'll be the one to pick the breed. I say they will get a Boston. Was just seeing what other dogs you all thought would be a good breed. I have her looking at Boston rescues!!! And adults at that.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think everyone has given good suggestions on the breed. I just wanted to add that I think in general male dogs would be the better choice with kids. Boys tend to be more playful their whole lives and more tolerant; girls can have moods where they don't want to be messed with. Just a generalization, because of course there are always exceptions.


    • Gold Top Dog

    We have a Shi-Tzu X Pom mix, he's almost a year old(one more week! LOL) and 'fixed'....he loves kids, and it the best little dog, he was 'saposed' to be 5-7lbs, the breeder called him a tea-cup dog or something like that, but he is a happy 17 lbs! He does shed, but you only need to groom him ever 2 months or so, so its not bad, he was potty trained by 4 months, and knows basic comands, loves kids to death(or anyone who will play with him)....I'd personaly recomend a mix like Taz's(my pup).

     Doxies make great pets too. My boyfriend has 2, they both like kids and are fairly calm. Theyre not big either.

    Maybe a Bulldog? There calm, loving, loyal, and protective. Pug's, Bosten's, and Maltese's are all great aunt and uncle have the cutest Bosten, he's a lil wild sometimes, but still a great dog. And my Grandpa has a Maltese, he's the sweetest thing, and loves to play.

     I'd defenately go with a puppy, you get a tighter bond with the dog that way. And male too. Males temperments generly stay the same, so you don't have to worry about mood swings.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Well they have decided to go with a pound puppy/dog!!!