Questions about my Papillon...

    • Bronze

    Questions about my Papillon...

     I just recently bought a Papillon puppy, shes a little over 5 months old, and I have a few questions that I would love to be able to find an answer to...

     I saw her lose a tooth the other day, so obviously she is teething. Her breath started to smell a lot worse than it had been the same day, so I was wondering if these two things could be related at all?


    Also, I'm wondering about her ears. They were completely perked up, but now they're beginning to flop down. I'm not sure if this means she's a Phalene? The place that I got her from said she might be because of her ear location, but I didn't know what that meant until yesterday. I've read a few places that sometimes puppies ears droop as they are teething because of calcium deficiency, or else maybe it has something to do with the fact that a lot of fur has grown on the backs of her ears recently. As cute as she still would be with ears that were all the way down, I'm still anxious to know what's going on...I love her huge goofy perky ears! If anyone has any ideas about this, I would be so grateful!



    What her ears are starting to do...

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't think the breath and losing a tooth is connected. What are you feeding her and what was she eating before?

    It looks like the ear is just drooping, so that would suggest teething to me.

    She's pretty!! What's her name?

    • Gold Top Dog


     I agree with the teething/smelly breath thing.

    As far as the ears go, most likely it is from teething.  Ears do funny things when teething.  Phalenes typically never have their ears go up.  It is also important to remember though, that although there are two correct ear sets for papillons, there are many incorrect ones, which include one ear up and one ear down and a semi-drop ear.  Those guys are weak eared papillons and although they have drop ears aren't really a phalene.  They happen from time to time, particularly depending on breeding.  Most the times the ears sort themselves out after teething.

     Do you know if there are any phalenes in the pedigree? Bernard's ears stayed down for a long long time when he was young, then started doing the up/down thing.  Now they're perfectly upright.  We thought he was going to be a phalene for a while because he has grandparents and great grandparents on both sides that were phalenes.
    • Bronze

     I have been feeding her Natural Choice from day one...I have an appointment with the vet on Thursday, hopefully he will have some kind of answer about her breath. I gave her a new chew toy yesterday, and her breath doesn't seem to be as bad today. But that might be wishful thinking on my part!

    Her name is Lucy =)

    • Bronze

     hmm. good to know about the ears! It doesn't really matter to me either way what her ears end up doing, I was just curious. I think it would be cute if she ended up with one up and one down!


    I'm not sure if there are any phalenes in the pedigree, thats something I should look into! thanks for your insight! 


    Your puppies are all so cute by the way. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    was there any blood where she lost the tooth? That could be what are you smelling.