New puppy!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    New puppy!!!

    Yes...a little sister for Rafe...

    So what's the guess on her?  Here are some photos of her at my class.  She is so adorable it is just! 



    And a few of Rafe, just for fun (guesses for him are welcome, as well)...

    • Gold Top Dog
    SOOOOO cute!

    She looks like a Jack Russell or a mix or one to me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Congratulations! She's adorable!!!


    How old is she? She looks too big for a pure JRT, but she definitely looks like there's that or Pittie in there, somewhere. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh, sorry, guess it would've been helpful to put an age in there.  She's about 4 months old in those pictures.  :)

    The shelter put her down as a greyhound!  I suppose she does kind of have the sighthound face (its really long) and she can really run, but I'm kind of doubting she's greyhound.

    • Gold Top Dog

    hmm... greyhound puppies don't look like greyhounds, they look like your run of the mill "shepherd/lab" mixes really.

    I see JRT, maybe some pittie, but it's hard to tell right now. Give us more pictures!! =]

    • Gold Top Dog

     I thought whippet x terrier of some sort, actually.  To me she looks like a sighthound. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Now that you mention it she kinda does look like she may have some Italian Greyhound in her.
    • Gold Top Dog

    but at 4 months? that's going to be an aweful big whippet/iggy!

    • Gold Top Dog

    She looks like a pit/hound to me.

    • Gold Top Dog


    She looks like a pit/hound to me.



    • Gold Top Dog

    She is sooo pretty!  Congratulations!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I say Italian Greyhound/Pitt.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, I talked to the person that took the litter in and she said that the owner claimed that the dad was a pit bull.  Why she didn't list the mom we'll never!  Apparently they put greyhound mix on the card because they're trying as much as possible to name dogs something other than pit bulls so that they can actually get adopted.  It's really difficult to adopt pitties here just because of insurance.  My landlord doesn't allow pitties (along with several others, like Dobes [my fav dogs, but yeah...  I'd have one if I could]), so I'm more than happy to call her a greyhound x! 

     I was wondering, though.  Since the dad was supposedly a pit, here's a question on color genetics...  There were four pups in the litter.  Three looked like my pup (although the other two didn't have as much white), and one was black and tan (Dobe/rott markings).  Do you think there is a possibility of the mom having Dobe or something in her?  I just ask because she has such a slender build and her face kind of reminds me of a Dobe face.  Probably just wishfull thinking on my part.  Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

    Mom could be anything, honestly. I've gotten litters of kittens - one will look pure siamese, and the others will be black and calico. I don't get how they could know dad was pitty, but not what mom was. Doesn't mom carry the pups?? hmmm

     And...I do think it was a poor choice, on the part of the shelter, to list a pit mix as a breed other than pit. That's setting some up to fail/be returned - IME.

    That said... she could be a dobie mix, you'll get a better guess once she gets a bit bigger. I can see the pit, and who knowssss what else!!

    • Gold Top Dog


    but at 4 months? that's going to be an aweful big whippet/iggy!


    Whippets and Italian Greyhounds are two different breeds.  Iggys are the smallest.  They're in the Toy Group.  Whippets are larger and are in the Hound Group.  Smile