Breeds you thought you'd never like

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breeds you thought you'd never like

    Is there a breed of dog you thought you'd never be attracted to, that you find yourself liking more and more?

    I know some people are more inclined to be atttracted to some breeds compared to others. Not saying they hate the breed they thought they'd never like, but  just never saw themselves owning it....until now.

    I'm very attracted to black labs- they're my favorite! However, lately, I've been growing more fond of.....PUGS! I met a several and I just love them! I also have been growing more fond of American Bulldogs.


    • Gold Top Dog

    ditto on the pugs!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Mine would be Chinese Cresteds.  Never thought I'd "fall" for one of those "Foo Foo" breeds, but having had very close contact with a bunch of them the last few years, I'm smitten.  Now I just have to convince my hubby how great they are!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I never thought I would like a Yorkie until I found one last week and kept her for 5 days.  She was so sweet and adorable.  Even though I know that they are terriers and I have a JRT, I just had a pre-conceived notion that they were too foo-foo for me.  All that silky hair I guess.  She was spunky and smart and other than the constant grooming issue I really enjoyed her. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Poodles! I never had cared much for poodles, but since my friend has 2 of them and I am around them alot, I love their personalities and I think they are both just so adorable and would love to own either one.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Bullmastiffs. I don't know why, but every time I meet one I fall in love. Another one is border collies. My experience up until a few years ago was spastic dogs. I used to be pretty indifferent but after knowing some people who had them and working with them all the time in the shelters I really really really want one!
    • Gold Top Dog

    poodles. Used to think they were silly things until I met some lovely athletic standards without the silly haircuts, just clipped close.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Never knew a Shar-Pei until recently and when ever I saw pic's I thought they were ugly.  My neighbor has one and he is wonderful, sweet and actually kinda cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Usually I have the opposite - breeds I love as a child but now that I know more about them, I'll probably never have one, not that they aren't great breeds they just don't fit my lifestyle (namely Beagles, JRTs...).

    I LOVE Berger Picards which is odd for me because I typically don't like any form of curly or wirey coat.

    My top favorite breeds have never changed and I don't think they ever will. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've always been big on the same breeds, too. However, i've met a chinese crested powderpuff and a hairless in the last few months...and how cool are they?!

    About 5 years ago, before i had ever met a pit bull....i didn't think i would like them, from what i'd heard from other people and on the news. I started working at a vet clinic and volunteering and the humane society, and i've fallen in love!!

    But to me, you cannot beat a good GSD, dobe, or RR!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would say Chihuahuas.  I never was big on small dogs, the Taco Bell ads kind of got on my nerves, and I never thought they were "cute".  I've met many of them at the dog park and they are all SO full of personality and charecter, I can't help but love them now! 

    • Gold Top Dog



    Mine would be Chinese Cresteds.  Never thought I'd "fall" for one of those "Foo Foo" breeds, but having had very close contact with a bunch of them the last few years, I'm smitten.  Now I just have to convince my hubby how great they are!

    Ha!  Me, too - a few years ago if you'd have asked me the dog I'd be least likely to own in the future, CC would have ranked right up there.  Then I saw an Animal Planet show that featured a breeder (a good one, one with multiple titled dogs and very active in rescue and whatnot).  They showed her going out the back door with a little herd of the silly things, all prancing like magical unicorns and my little girlie heart went pitter-patter!  And those Crestie babies, oh, no!  So I was done for when Zhi entered my life as a "foster dog".


    • Gold Top Dog

    I am strangely drawn to the Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier.....I am not a Terrier person at all.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Sight hounds - pretty much any of them. I had seriously underestimated them, but over the years of getting to know several, I like them a lot.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Mine was the Aussie! When we lived in Boston, there was one in the neighborhood that was a barking, bossy, pain in the rear. I thought all Aussies were like that, until I met a few more of them, and then when I started doing the research a few years later. In hindsight, the owner was ill suited to the breed.

    now DH and I can't imagine life without an Aussie... or two. LOL