Breeds you thought you'd never like

    • Gold Top Dog

    Salukis.  I am not a sight hound person, but Debbie (who used to be on here) had the COOLEST  Salukis. I don't have enough energy to exercise one of those big beast, but they are magnificent!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Corgi's. I met some really beautiful tailless ones (Pembroke?) who were SO sweet. They make me want a Corgi someday.


    Bull Terrier's. I dont like their roman nose to much but their personality I just love.

    Poodles. Some folks talk like they are such "Foo Foo dogs" but they are super smart and athletic.

    • Silver

    Border Collies. Thought they were super active, super spastic, annoying dogs but I can't not have one now. Just love them.

     Chihuahua's too--even thought I meet a lot of nasty little turd chi's, even they manage to worm their way into your heart.



    • Gold Top Dog

    *sigh* I miss the Evil Amber stories! She was great!


    Actually, before I got Emma, I didn't care for PRT/JRT. Now? I'm a huge terrier person. They suit me, very well. I doubt I'll ever have another PRT, though. It wouldn't be fair. Emma is too special, to me, and I'll expect too much from one.


    Since I've been able to handle so many dogs, I've realized that I really just love all dogs. Lately, though, I've taken a particular liking to BCs and Aussies. It's weird, because I never thought I'd have a herdy dog. Anything that loves to work, though, makes my heart go *mush*. 


    ETA: Chinese Cresteds are totally great! Living with one is even better than hanging out with one! Dang failed fosters....

    • Gold Top Dog

    I always thought Bull Terriers were really ugly...but now I'm smitten with them! I want to kiss all their goofy heads.

    Poodles too. I hate the "poodle-cut", but dogs in puppy cuts are pretty darn cute.

    Annnd..small dogs in general. I never liked small dogs. Anything under maybe 30 pounds I just thought was TOO small..but now I definitely see the merits of a small dog, and several small breeds are really growing on me (like papillons and PRTs!).

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't want to offend anyone so I hesitate to reply.  But, I never thought I'd really like a Sheltie.  I LOVE the way they look and they are the perfect size, activity level, etc.  But, everyone I've known barks like crazy.  And, they seem so bright so it annoyed me more--they should know better, LOL.  But, I met a really nice, calm one recently and that changed my mind.

    • Gold Top Dog

    For me, it would be Clumber Spaniels.  When I first saw one, I thought they looked sad, truth be told...but now, they've TOTALLY grown on me.  I never thought I was much of a spaniel person, but Clumbers...incredibly cute and sweet. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I never thought I'd like any Spaniels until I met a Brittaney (sp?) Spaniel. They are so beautiful.

    I never thought I'd like greyhounds.....but I recetnyl found I LOVE Whippets! They are so cool and I want one someday!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pugs, Border Collies, Labs.

    Pugs- Theyre faces were so smushed but then when my 2nd cousin got one I just had to love em.

    Border Collies- Too much energy at first. It made me feel out of shape cuz I couldnt keep up.

    Labs- They didn't seem very smart to me at first but then my best friend, my moms best friend, and great aunt and uncle got one so I luv em now.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bull Terriers..i was almost scared of them when i was younger..i thought they were so awful looking..Then somehow several years ago, my opinion changed for some strange reason..and that was probably 5 years ago, and i still absolutely love the breed.  I think they are gorgeous, and wanted one for a long time,b ut im def. not a terrier person, and do not think they'd fit my lifestyle..i def. do have a soft spot for the bullies though

    • Gold Top Dog

     As most of you know, I'm a sucker for the herders and even the hounds, but not that keen on the small dogs (I love all dogs, but prefer the mid size range - hardy, but small enough to pick up if I need to).  But, my little adoptee, Fergie, changed my mind about Yorkies.  She is anything but foo foo, and has the heart of a little lion.  A real "tomboy" at nineteen years old (will be 20 in April if she makes it), she still plays - with my "speckled monstah" 2 year old Aussie, no less.  She went to obedience class for the first time at age 15 and learned everything very quickly, even tricks (I found out that these little terriers are even smarter than I suspected).  She's affectionate, spunky, smart, and a great teacher.  Even in her old age, deaf, and half blind, she's the *** of the walk when she comes out from the linen closet (where her favorite wicker basket bed is located - her choice, not mine LOL, but a great place to relax when not herding the Aussie).  She is certainly not the dog I would choose for myself, but I think she's one of the best dogs pound for pound that I ever had.  And, someday, when she is at the Bridge, I'll miss the little nudge every morning, from the little girl who likes buttered toast.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I never thought I would like Rotties.... thought they were too intimidating.  Now I love them.

    I never thought I would like or own a Border collie but now they are one of my favourite breeds.  Honestly, all you have to do is convince them you're pretty cool and they will do A N Y T H I N G for you.  I have never met another breed THAT sensitive to "their" person.  "Working with you" really is their greatest joy and No 1 requirement.... it seems if you can give them that, they are content.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Beagles... And now I own one...Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

    A Coton de Tulear.  I'm not so much into little floofy dogs, but I love them.

    PGBVs, never pictured myself as much of a hound person until I met one.  Not appropriate for my life but I think they're awesome. 

    DH likes Bergamascos but I'm not having one in the house LOL.  Maybe as a working dog.  

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    DH likes Bergamascos but I'm not having one in the house LOL


    Well I had never heard of those and found a great site

    Neat looking but I see where you are coming from Surprise