Redboone coonhound or Viszla?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Redboone coonhound or Viszla?

     Came across this pup while helping my friend look for a pup.

    Says he's a redboone coonhound but he so looks like Joker!!

    What do you guys think?

    • Gold Top Dog

     Looks like a coonhound to me.....

    • Gold Top Dog

     He has a houndy look but the self coloring (pigment is the same color as the coat) makes me wonder. All the redbones I have seen have dark pigment but Viszlas are self colored.

    • Gold Top Dog

    very houndy looking. Joker's ears are no where near that big nor his face that loose of skin I hope LOL. Looks hound to me. I too have seen most be balck pointed but their standard does not DQ a dilute brown nosed dog..only mentions nose color black. As dilutes occur in most the rest of the scenthounds it wouldn't shock me.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks!! I was just wondering too mainly because of the pink lips and nose as Samantha calls them.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The technical term for that color is bb liver or red.  It is not a dilute, it's the expression of the recessive gene on the b locus.

    It appears that of all the UKC coon hounds, only the blue tick and the Walker specifically disqualify the bb, because the dogs must be B black base color (tick is solid black genetically).  

    So that means the gene is in there, and if bred to a Visla could result in a pup like this.  Which is, by the way, simply adorable.  My mom's previous landlord adopted a lovely Visla mix that looked very similar to this dog, bt probably was actually a lba mix.