American Allaunts -- Tell me more please

    • Gold Top Dog

    American Allaunts -- Tell me more please

    I just heard of this breed for the first time today, and I am just curious to learn more about them and when/how/why they originated.  I briefly googled them, but didn't come up with much info.  Apparently they aren't a recognized breed.  I'm hoping some of you folks here might have a little more insight and thereby satisfy my curiosity. :-)

    • Gold Top Dog

    A designer breed of crossing some major, powerful working breeds.  I sincerely doubt there is a responsible breeding policy behind them.  I would assume there is minimal known of the health history behind the original dogs used in the cross breedings. My guess would also be limited health tracking of all dogs produced. (Minimally heart, thyroid, hips, elbows and CERF since problems in all those areas exist in the parent breeds) I would assume the dogs are not breeding true to the "new type".  Between temperment and unknown health history, my guess would be loose cannons.

     Consider working breed rescues from recognized AKC, UKC, CKC (Canadian) or FCI clubs if you want a dog of those types.

    • Gold Top Dog

     As I understood it, they are not recognized and yes, they are just one more designer breed that consists of greyhounds, bull terriers, bullmastiffs, presa canarios and cane corsos.

    To me, they look like presas with disqualifying coats...

    • Gold Top Dog

     Ugh. Just another designer breed to appeal to the macho set.


    IIRC, wasn't the alaunt historically a large, wire or smooth coated dog somewhere between a mastiff and agreyhound? The particular engraving I'm thinking of looked rather like a dane with a tiny bit of wire beard and fringe and rose ears. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Alaunts were a Molosser breed, now extinct.  The term is much like the term Collie.  Some people think of a Collie as a a good farm dog.  In the same vein, alaunts were a good working guard dog.  But, at this point, reproducing, or trying to reproduce the breed does what?  IMO, it just serve to appeal to the macho set, as was just suggested.  I'd stay away from this, or any, "new" or "revived" breed that has, as the basis of its revival, untested stock with probably temperament issues... when the designers make a mistake with a foo foo breed it isn't the same as if they make one with a Molosser breed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know they were a breed, not a type, but I would have classifeid them more as a big houndy working hunter than a guard. Suspect it may be at terminology thing, though.

     I'll scan the book when i get home, it's Medieval Hunting.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not at all interested in getting one.  Wink  I was only curious about them, because I saw one on Craigslist.  I suspected they might be a designer breed of sorts...