• Gold Top Dog


    OMG i met one yesterday at the dog park! It was the cutest, silliest dog i've ever seen! I have never seen one in real life before...I am in love!

    That is all! 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Peanut Butter Giving Villian? What is a PBGV?

    • Gold Top Dog

     petit basset griffon vendeen...


    • Gold Top Dog

    Aren't they so fun??  I used to sit for one and what a fun dog he was.  If I had children it would definately be a breed I'd consider. 


    • Gold Top Dog

    If I were ever going to have a hound, that would be the one.   I think they're wonderful. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Great dogs! I know one, his name is Pluto...

    • Gold Top Dog


     It's just so fun to say. I groomed a "terrier mix" yesterday. The dog walked in, and I went "PBGV!" They got him from the pound, six years ago. He looks and acts JUST like a PBGV. They're the coolest dogs.... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    If I were ever going to have a hound, that would be the one.   I think they're wonderful. 

      Me too!  I absoutely LOVE PBGVs.  They are so cute and funny and adorable!

    • Gold Top Dog

     You know I used to see them in pictures and just went 'eh.  THEN I met a couple and I agree with everyone else that they are wonderful funny characters who utterly charmed me. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    This is my favorite breed! I've wanted one for years! I went to a dog show back in february and met a couple...puppies and adults!