Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Please help me identify my dog's breed (she is mixed)
Hi all. my puppy (Soofia) is 3 months old. and she is a gift from my friend. in her ID Paper is written that her breed is Mixed Terrier. but i think it's wrong. here is some pictures of Soofia. can anyone tell me what is her breed ? thanks farshidal from brazil
What do you think Chief is mixed with? (Georgie)
He has beautiful blue eyes, he is mostly black, but he does have some brown on the sides of his face, along his legs and the underside of his tail. He also has a white stripe down his nose. I think he has a very houndy bark, but I don't see hound in him, besides his bark and his stubbornness. Although...
Minpin Pics Wanted
Please insert minpin pics below!! I met a teeny tiny red minpin girl the other day and found it nearly impossible not to miss Gobie and cry and WANT ANOTHER ONE! How many times did I say never again? LOL After having lived with such a pain in the rear surely I could handle another LOL. Anyway...
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Need help picking between these 2 breeds.
My Fiance is looking into getting his own dog in the next 6 months to a year. He has narrowed it down to Dogue De Bordeaux and the Cane Corso. He has been to 3 dogs shows and has meet the Bordeaux. Instantly was in love with the breed. While at the vet with Holly(for a checkup) there was a lady there...
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Standard Poodle.
As most of you know, I'm researching breeds to help better decide what my next breed should be. I'm years off from another dog, but I'm enjoying my research and learning so much. Dobermans and GSD's have been my primary area of focus. I currently have a toy poodle and a lab. I love...
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Alright Dachshund people....
I've joined a Dachshund forum, like three days ago, and my membership has yet to be approved. So do any of you know of any good, reliable, free, Dachshund forums? Also, if you'd like to share any information you can about the breed, I'd appreciate it!
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need help figuring out what kind of breed my puppy is
we rescued her from a bad home. The owners had no idea what kind their own dog is. We for sure know she's part german shepard. Anyone know the other half?
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Well, just outta curiosity I'd like to know what breed mix my beloved dog Felix is made of. I adopted him a couple of months ago from the streets, so I have no idea about his background or age. I think he's around 2-3 years, because his teeth are not yellow, only the canine, and just a little...
Info for Great Dane's?
In March I plan on buying a GD puppy. I already know alot about the breed but nothing from first hand, Did alot of reading up on them and the health issues that come up. So can anyone tell me what to expect? Or tell us about the first GD you owned! When I think GD I think of a very over size baby...
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Shih-tzu/Yorkie or Shih tzu/Pom?
So I finally found out through the lady I got Dawbie from that the woman she got Dawbie's pregnant mom from was housed with a shih tzu, yorkie and Pomeranian, all intact of course. The lady that took in the pregnant shih tzu mom was told that she had been bred to the male shih tzu, but when I got...
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Breed suggestions
OK, so I am NOT anywhere ready to get a third dog. I repeat, I am NOT going to get a third dog for a very long time. However... both of my boys fell into my lap as adults so I'd like to actually think about breed types this time around. Thatcher still has to work on his leash manners and Hap has...
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What breeds do you think Daisy is?
My other post got deleted and I don't know why. I think It may have been in the wrong section or something. So I decided to ask it here. Daisy is my foster dog. She's available for adoption. I may never know what breeds she is, but I like to hear the guesses. Daisy's description: Daisy...
What breeds is Louis L'amour?
Louis L'amour is from the dog rescue I volunteer with and is currently waiting for his forever loving home! Louis L'amour truly lives up to his name, he is a LOVER! He is SO sweet and loving. He LOVES to play with other dogs, he's very energetic and...
Rear Dewclaws
Are they common in your breed/s? Any thoughts on the genetics of said same? We are having a discussion on them in the Beagle on the L and it was quite interesting. Many folks had never had any...yet I have had them come up plenty in my breedings (Sully actually has them and I didn't breed him...
RWbeagles..... has adorable beagles.
I just wanted to thank you for putting such cute pics of your pups in your sig. My grandpa used to raise beagles when I was a child and I have so many fond memories of those days. As we near the one year anniversary of his passing, I find myself thinking back on those good times when he was so active...
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German Shepherd vs Doberman Pinscher
I've always been a German Shepherd person... and have been anxiously awaiting the day I could possibly get another one. However, the more I think about it the more I'm thinking about possibly a Doberman. I like the idea of not as much hair, a LOT... and the docked tail....and in general like...
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Breeds that could work for me?
I'm not getting another dog right now, but I thought it'd be fun/interesting to see what ya'll would suggest. I guess I'll give some info. Condo living/no backyard. Shedding is not an issue. Grooming is not an issue. I'd prefer ones not known for major health issues but throw ones...
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Speaking of breeds...any guesses?
So, according to the vet guess, Hap's a "black mouth cur". Before this vet, I was always told he was a "mountain cur". From my limited understanding, it seems like "cur" is just a registered breed of mixes, lol. I don't really care, but people ask ALL the time what...
Wow, did you know German Shepherds...
are "known for wagging their tails, right before they bite"? Someone decided to enlighten me with this. Believe it or not, this is NOT the first person who has said that EXACT phrase to me! Do they think it's clever? Some humans are known for appearing pretty smart, until they...
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Boxer x ???
The shelter called this guy a boxer x shepherd. He's about 7 months old now. His boxer influence is pretty strong, but what else do you think is in there? His coat is too long for a boxer's and is longest along the shoulders and neck (~1-1.5" ;) .
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