need help figuring out what kind of breed my puppy is

    • Bronze

    need help figuring out what kind of breed my puppy is

    we rescued her from a bad home. The owners had no idea what kind their own dog is. We for sure know she's part german shepard. Anyone know the other half?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pictures would make it easier.  Smile

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog


    No idea, but the pup looks real happy.
    • Bronze

    it is on my profile page

    • Gold Top Dog

    it is on my profile page

    Oh, what a cutie!  I don't know why, but I want to say she might also be part Saint Bernard.  There could very well be more than two breeds in her make up.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Go to your profile, click on the 'title' of your picture and then "view sizes".  Click on the one you want to show up (which size you want to post) and then copy the URL at the top of that picture.

    Then ... while you are typing a post (in the white box) in the toolbar at the top of where you are typing there is an icon that looks like a green tree (9th from the right usually).  Click that and then paste in the URL of that picture and then "insert' under it.

    Cute pup but you don't have an avatar listed and most people aren't going to go looking in your profile *smile*

    Cutie -- shepherd for sure, but could be "brown dog mix" or similiar.  You probably won't know any better until the pup matures, but I betcha it will be a really nice pup!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Besides having a black snout, the face does not seem very shepherd to me at all.  It seems larger and flatter, and the ears are different.  Very hard to tell with puppies though.  But people so often assume a black snout = a shepherd even if the rest is all wrong.

    • Bronze
    I have always wanted to do the genetic testing at my vets office. They offer this now for dogs if you have money to burn, but it's fascinating to me. Often times, they find that people are all wrong in distinguishing breeds. Even those of us who love, love, love dogs are more often than not wrong! A genetic test would find out for sure, I think they are $140 or so yikes! You might be surprised at the results!
    • Gold Top Dog

    In honesty, mostly they are wrong.  Rarely have I heard of them turning up anything that's sensible.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have always wanted to do the genetic testing at my vets office. They offer this now for dogs if you have money to burn, but it's fascinating to me. Often times, they find that people are all wrong in distinguishing breeds. Even those of us who love, love, love dogs are more often than not wrong! A genetic test would find out for sure, I think they are $140 or so yikes! You might be surprised at the results!


    Yeah it's really not worth the money. Like, maybe two breeds out of the four I could see in my dog Simba. He got Boxer(which is an obvious duh), American Bulldog(I can see some sort of bully breed in him), Rottie and...Toy poodle? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    In honesty, mostly they are wrong.  Rarely have I heard of them turning up anything that's sensible.

    Yeah, what Callie said.  I know someone whose dog is very obviously a Chow mix.  DNA testing came back as the primary breed being Papillon.  Nothing in the results was even close in size to hwo big the dog is.  And the only thing Pap about her is her coloring.