Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Pomeranian Coat Color =/
Trying to figure out what my Poms coat color is. I've been told wolf sable, I've been told red sable, I've been told orange sable, but I have no clue. I know his baby coat will shed and he will get his adult coat in and it may be different from what his coat is now so its kinda hard to tell...
Do you know what might be in my Bella?
I know that she is Aussie Shepp but I don't know what else might be in her. Please let me know. Thanks, Kristina and Bella
Rat Terriers?
There have been a series of conversations on here that have got me thinking about possibly adding a second dog -- though I won't know if I am adding this hypothetical puppy (HP) or not until January or June. First, what I want in a dog. I have always wanted to compete in agility or obedience, and...
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So my brother moved home and took Sam. He's much happier with an almost full acre of land to play on all day, and a pond to play in when they are home. He's such a happy boy now. =) My parents are getting an Aussie pup for my Dad, its going to be his dog. The girl has one more pup avalible...
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What is Lucky?
This is Mia's best friend. He's owned by a friend of mine and we see him almost every day at the park. Some background: He was adopted from the local animal shelter as a puppy and was labelled a border collie mix. Also, he's HUGE. I'm not sure how much he weighs but he is substantially...
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What breed is Zoe? update!!
Decided to post this up here, I still have no idea what she actually is. my guesses are Aussie/ACD, or ACD/border collie.....any other guesses? possibly a aussie/smooth coat BC??? I almost want to think that the blue merle isn't from ACD ( they're usually more 'ticked' blues, not actual...
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Anyone have a havanese?
We are getting a 12 wks old puppy on Sept 4 and not many people have seen much less heard of one before.
Are there any malinois owners or fans on the board?
Dobe or Beauceron?
So, I've really been researching the Doberman (I've had one before, but he was a BYB dog and not exactly the best representation of the breed, though I loved him!), and have found several good breeders. I still have a few issues, though... I want a dog that I can both show in conformation and...
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Any one have a Beauceron?
I was just wondering if anyone on here has a beauceron? I lost my boy almost 2 yrs ago and haven't had the heart to get another. If you do, are you working them or just a pet? Dawn
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Lab Forum
I know I shoulda asked here in the first place. But I tried to venture on my own and find a lab forum... Well the one I found is HORRID!! I posted a question asking how common is heart problems in labs, and I'm getting ripped apart and being told to sell my possessions and get Maze to the vet cuz...
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Breed specific forum
I thought there was a forum for every breed but I can not find a forum on the Kelpie!!! Any advice?
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French bulldog
Hi everyone, I live in a small apartment and I'm thinking of adopting a French bulldog as I've heard that they are well suited to apartment life and I also think they are adorable. My main concern is health problems. I've been very unlucky in the past as my boxer died of esophagus cancer...
Let's add a breed to the equation... lab vs GSD vs dobe....
Let's compare apples, oranges and banana's... all fruit but yummy in their own specific way..... Can we compare the temperments of all three breeds....? Our breeds of choice through the years have been labs, which we currently own one of, and GSD's.. as I stated before. I see some...
Thinking of adding this guy to our family
Maya is coming up on, if not already 10 years old, which is getting up there for a boxer. She's been slowing down, but is still in good health. I've been thinking of getting another younger dog to put more years in her life. My fiance and I ran into this precious 4 month old puppy at a petsmart...
What kind of dog am I?
So I got this puppy (Riley) from the pound and the most that they could tell me was that he's a terrier mix. I've taken him to the vet and she says that it's too hard to tell until he gets older. I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on what he could possibly be. Any suggestions...
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What kind of Breed is Rocco?
I have no idea what breed he is been stumped trying to find answers online [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][URL...
Cão de Fila de São Miguel... I'm in love!
I've never seen this breed of dog before IRL, and I'm wondering if anyone else has known one. I read they are highly wary of strangers and an aggressive breed if not properly trained and handled. That makes me nervous, but they say the same of GSDs, Dobes, etc. True, but any dog can be that wau...
What breed do you think Lucy is?
Hello, My family and I adopted Lucy from the SPCA. They said she was a Shepherd Mix, but she is now full grown and is not big. Personally I think she is a Corgi/Beagle. So.. What do you think? Thanks! ~Emma P.S: Here is a link to the picture, I dont know how to attach it to the message. Link...
Breed Suggestions
Looking for a dog that will be under 30 pounds full grown. Good with kids is a must as this will be my 7 year olds 4-h dog.Grooming isn't really an issue. Would like something not completely stubborn but not a real soft dog either. I am thinking not a terrier either. We will probably adopt but just...
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