Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Tamaskan Dog
I just stumbled upon this breed and I'm in awe of how gorgeous they are, I've never seen one before though and I believe they're rare. Has anyone ever owned one or know more info about them?
English Setter owners?
Any other ES owners out there? I'd love to hear about yours. Here's my 9 month old ES boy, who I'm completely besotted with.
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AKK and CC's
Living in a small town, I don't get to see the "rare" breeds. Infact I didn't even know these breeds existed until coming to this forum. Now, however, since joining up with my K9 club I am on talking terms with an AKK breeder (he's my team leader for Sandy's volunteer group...
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Anyone have or love German Shepherds?
If so, I am inviting you to join a forum for German Shepherd lovers. It is a small, friendly board with good, knowledgable people on board. We need an influx of new members to keep it vibrant. Anyone who likes to posts on forums and not get lost, like among the larger ones, come join us. Here is...
Question about Doxie colors...
(Hi everybody!) Ok, here's my question...I used to have a "Doxie/Beagle mix", but looking at pics of Doxies and then of Dixie Beagle mixes, I think she was all(or mostly) Doxie. I can't find a pic of her, but I'm trying. She was piebald for sure, but her color was like a beagle...
What breed am I?!
Hello all! I just got my new puppy Sage, and I couldn't be happier with him! Sage is a rescue pup, so his origins are unknown. The pound from which the Rescue took him said that he was "Doberman Boxer Mix", but the Rescue and my vet said that it's more likely he's Doberman...
Finnish Lapphunds and Icelandic Sheepdogs
Anyone have experience with either breed? I love the herders and in all likelihood will have another for my next 'bigger' dog, but since getting Mia I am realizing that I do love a slightly more challenging type of dog. I'm really starting to fall for the spitz types, especially the herding...
Doberman Research Study
The DPCA sent this out in an email, & I wanted to share. Even if you aren't a dobe owner, if you know someone who is, PLEASE pass this on. It could be HUGE for our breed. June 8, 2010 IMPORTANT RESEARCH STUDY FOR DOBERMANS Samples from Dobermans diagnosed with cancer, cardiomyopathy and/or...
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Border collies
I had a question for BC owners out there. First I did a search and couldn't find a thread dedicated to them going back through February, so I didn't think starting a new one would be bad. So if you own a BC, my question is do they have an off switch? And if so, how hard was it to teach...
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Pit Bull/Staffordshire Terrier/ S. Bull Terrier ?????
When we got married my husband owned a beautiful Staffordshire Bull Terrier. When I got pregnant I was very concerned about owning a "pit bull" in a house with a baby. * Please note, I am not trying to offend any pit bull owners. Now that I have met more pit bulls/Staffordshire terriers I have...
Whatcha' think...mix or purebred? (added more pics)
My daughter and her boyfriend found this dog at his house a couple weeks ago, and the neighbor has been feeding her, but no one has officially taken her in. My guess was either Basset/Beagle mix or full blooded Basset. My daughter said she is absolutely THE sweetest dog ever and wants to bring her home...
Yet another dumped dog... any breed guesses?
Instead of our house, this man was dumped at my sister's house. He's been there for four days now. They're calling him Bluejeans..... he's medium-small... has a coat similar to a pomeranian. He's got one ear that stands up, one that kind of flops to the side. He knows how to sit...
What breed is Blake?
Hi, I've been wondering what breed my dearest doggie is. We were told he was a German Shepherd mix, but I'm not sure. I was hoping the lovely people from this forum could tell me what he is. Not...
What breeds are my dogs?
I've got several dogs that I am curious about, all of them are rescue dogs so the breeds were a guessing game. Two were strays and the third was abandoned as a puppy. The first my daughter's dog Pandora the one that was abandoned, the shelter guessed that she was a German Sheppard / Chow mix...
RE: Breeds
Can anyone guess the breeds of my 4 month puppy? See my picture, Nani.
Name This Mixed Breed?
My mom and I have been caring for this sweet little lunatic of a dog named Jake. It's clear that he's some kind of mixed breed and/or pure, sheer mutt. Even still, he has a lot of strange personality traits and vocalizations that have intrigued me. I say there's some basinji in there, but...
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Traits of a mixed breed-please voice opinion
A family member of mine just gotan 8 week old Westie/schnauser mix. Both parents were pure bred, so she is now around nine, almost ten weeks old. My mother just told that they are referring to her as a "Devil child" (Please do not dwell on that is is with love not hate), because everytime they...
Airedales, anyone?
We brought our new Airedale puppy home 10 days ago and are enjoying her to no end. I was wondering if anyone else here had an Airedale - I thought it would be fun to compare notes and maybe learn even more about them. One new experience for us is that of having a 'rare' breed. I've always...
My Mimi Dane
Seeing that there are all these designer breeds for fun I came up with one of my own. People are always asking me what breed Smokey is. The truth is I really don't know. The shelter told me she was a Boxer Shepard mix. She looks nothing like either breed. So about a month ago I had her DNA done....
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Hello, I'm new with some questions!
Hi everyone! Very nice to be here, it looks like a wonderful, very knowledgeable board. I am a busy stay at home mom with a 16 month old son and just got a new puppy this past Friday. I work at a vet clinic 2 days a week, and one of our clients took in 2 pregnant shih tzus from a sick friend of hers...