Let's add a breed to the equation... lab vs GSD vs dobe....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Let's add a breed to the equation... lab vs GSD vs dobe....

    Let's compare apples, oranges and banana's... all fruit but yummy in their own specific way..... 

    Can we compare the temperments of all three breeds....?

    Our breeds of choice through the years have been labs, which we currently own one of, and GSD's.. as I stated before.

    I see some similar characteristics between the lab and the GSD... but some differences as well. They both are motivated and willing to learn... though I think the GSD's were more, aloof? Is that the word I'm looking for? And the seem to be more, "one person" dogs, respond better to one person and have less of a happy-go-lucky attitude... where our labs, until Greta, have been more "family" dogs, responded to anyone who gave the command and have been body wagging, always happy, everyone's best friend types..... and from what I remember of sis's dobe, she had more a the lab type temperment, was a clown and always happy... but seemed, if I remember correctly, to favor sis more than BIL.... but I had limited interaction with her.

    What are your experiences and opinions?

     I must say, at this point I'm still leaning towards a GSD..... eventually. LOL

    • Gold Top Dog
    Most Labs that I know of are English style or show or bench; blocky and stocky. They are terrific family pets, happy-go-lucky, generally easy going, not too high energy. I know a few in my area that are American style or field; leaner, more energy, generally a harder temperament- and I prefer those Labs. Those Labs are sometimes good family pets too, but, IMO, they respond best to the one who works them the most and spends the most time with them (unlike my English Lab who worked for anyone with *food*). They often have a higher prey drive and much more energy. I did own an English style Lab (who got me totally hooked on Labs!), but she was completely different compared to Apollo. Apollo is much like a field Lab and I really enjoy him. He's very much a "1 owner" dog, picks up training quickly- and enjoys to train- very dependable, has prey drive (though that's partially instilled through training). I have no personal experience with GSD's or Dobes, but my Dad owned a few GSD's (I think 4) and said he sometimes sees similarities between Apollo and a few of his GSD's. And my DH's boss has only ever owned Dobe's (for 25+ years) and through the little time I've spend with their current Dobe (a really good dog), I see no real similarities between Labs and Dobes.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I would not say that the GSD is not "happy go lucky"  (mine are and all the ones I've trained or had in my home), but yes, they are more aloof.  Aloof does not mean that they DISlike people or are overly suspicious.  This is often the case but that is a fault.  Aloof means that they are basically neutral to other people.  For example, when we did a mock temperament test, I was asked to sit my dog in the middle of a circle of strangers, then I walked away and they moved in and crowded him, and then I came back and he willingly came with me.  He was not afraid or aggressive of the others, he just sat there and didn't care, and when asked to come with me he came rather than trying to lick or jump on everyone else.

    I think it is rare for a dog not to respond best to the person that does the most care and training, however the GSDs take it to more of an extreme.  Coke loves everyone and is as obedient for a stranger as he is for me or DH.  Nikon and Kenya...you could not take them onto an agility course or SchH field and have them and have them do one trick.

    • Gold Top Dog

    By happy go lucky, I mean everyone is their friend until proven otherwise... my experience is GSD's aren't as openly accepting towards everyone as a lab would be....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Labs are much more likely to love anyone who plays with them and/or feeds them. lol  Seriously, they are or should be, very social dogs.  I don't have much experience with GSDs.  The one I had for a few weeks was a night and day difference from a lab puppy of the same age.  Very intensely focused on me. Granted she was a stray and that could have played a part in her velcro attitude.

    • Gold Top Dog

      Labs are sporting breeds - a world of difference from GSDs or Dobes! Labs tend to be much more dog friendly, even with strange dogs. They were never bred to be or expected to be proetction dogs and should not be territorial or guardy. They tend retain a much more juvenile temperament into maturity than either breed. All three breeds can be very trainable but just so different in their general personality.

    FWIW Labs shed at least nearly as bad as GSDs ;)


     Hmmm... What about German Shorthairs? They might be a nice compromise breed for you and not hard to find in rescue either. They are a more protective sporting breed, slick coated like a Dobe, very trainable and they even have a docked tail.

    • Gold Top Dog


      Labs are sporting breeds - a world of difference from GSDs or Dobes! Labs tend to be much more dog friendly, even with strange dogs. They were never bred to be or expected to be proetction dogs and should not be territorial or guardy. They tend retain a much more juvenile temperament into maturity than either breed. All three breeds can be very trainable but just so different in their general personality.

    FWIW Labs shed at least nearly as bad as GSDs ;)


     Hmmm... What about German Shorthairs? They might be a nice compromise breed for you and not hard to find in rescue either. They are a more protective sporting breed, slick coated like a Dobe, very trainable and they even have a docked tail.

    My husband has already deemed that *his* next breed will be a GSHP... he LOVES the look of the sleek coat, the muscular build and the floppy ears. He met one at work and fell in love. He's already got the number for the rescue programmed into his phone.

    Hmmmm.... how would a german shorthair and a doberman do together I wonder.... how would they look in family portraits.....?


    • Gold Top Dog


    They tend retain a much more juvenile temperament into maturity than either breed.

    Ain't that the truth! My first Lab still did the occasional zoomie right up until the end!!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    how would a german shorthair and a doberman do together I wonder

    I think that would be awesome

    GSP will be my next dog.  My current dog is most likely a giant GSP mix.

    GSPs and labs are very different dogs despite being sporting dogs.  I've been around a ton of show/English labs and a few field labs.  The energy is just different, GSP is more intense, more prey, MORE energy,and do tend towards anxious if not exercised/hunted/worked.  Labs shed a ton of undercoat but GSP's are said to shed all year too.

    Labs just tend to be so happy and are incredibly food motivated.  Both breeds tend to be a bit silly.

    The energy of a dobe is more similar to a gsp - from what I see and understand

    Dobe's and GSD's are much more guardy and protective IMO

    GSP's are the healthiest of the breeds you have selected