Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Dutchies.... Gotta Love Em!!
So I didn't have much experience with the wonderful world of working dogs and had certainly never heard of a Dutch Shepard until Havoc stepped into my life. He's now 5yrs old and one hell of a kick in the pants. They definitely are not for everyone as their drive can be too much for some but...
Small breeds suitable to live with large breeds
So T-Bone is going to get a sibling at some point. I've been considering bull terriers, collies, another GSD, a Dobe, etc. T-Bone is gonna be a big boy and I want to make sure his sibling has the stamina to play with him, the strength to wrestle and play tug-o-war, and most importantly not be injured...
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So, You Wanna Live With a Dobe?
When people ask what it's like to live with a dobe, it's easy, for me, to get caught up in talking about the energy level, the stigmas, the protective instincts & the intelligence that you can expect to deal with. I tend to forget to mention other "little things" that are innately...
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Odd Colored Aussie? I was skimming around on petfinder and saw this guy. Such an odd color, I've never seen before a dog, let alone an aussie.
" What is a Borzoi.."
This is the best summary I have found. Introduction "Sleek and elegant with graceful curves, this model is aerodynamically designed for speed and endurance. Capable of fast starts and quick stops, its double suspension chassis has a tight turning...
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What breed is my Reston?
Reston was put out of her house at 4 months old, and I rescued her. However training has been somewhat difficult and i think if i knew what she was i could do some research and have a better chance. So what is she lol???
What breed is my Reston?
Reston was put out of her house at 4 months old, and I rescued her. However training has been somewhat difficult and i think if i knew what she was i could do some research and have a better chance. So what is she lol???
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Okay so my dad has it narrowed down to 2 breeds- Chessies and GSDs. He wants a Chessie to be a gun dog, she wants a GSD and has dreamed of one since she was little. Just knowing how things work (lol) I think they'll end up with another GSD. Now, my dad has had a GSD before and loves them but our...
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Can A Maremma Be A Good Family Companion Dog?
Hi everyone, This is my first post here and I am looking forward to getting some good advice from you all. I have always owned GSDs but both my last two had to be PTS (one at 9 years of age and one at only 5) due in both cases to neurological issues which has left me heartbroken and also very reluctant...
Okay so out of left field but the dog isn't for me, it's for my dad. He has wanted a big dog for a while now, hasn't had one since our shepherd passed. There were really two things he wanted in a dog, a strong protective/guardian streak and a bird dog. He's looked at a LOT of breeds....
Finding a responsible Papillon Breeder
I currently have a neutered male Papillon who will be 10 this November and a 2 year old GSD. I am considering adding another Papillon in the next couple of years and am looking for breeder recommendations (might as well start the research early!). I love my boy, but I also learned a lot from him. As...
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miniature australian shepard
Is this a legitimate breed? I saw one today and they are so cute. But, I've never heard of them until just recently.
Does anyone have a good deal of experience with wolf hybrids?
I'd like to speak to some people who have either owned more than one, or who have worked at a rescue for them. I am not looking to adopt one of these animals, but I have my suspicions that my own dog may have at least a little more wolf in him than the average pup. xD Here's a few pictures...
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Wolf Dog Hybrids
I am interested in having a wolf-dog hybrid as a companion. What should I know about these dogs before I look for a breeder?
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What breed is Julian
Hi Guys - I just uploaded a photo of Julian on my home page and hope you can help by telling me what breed you think he is..... (I tried uploading his photo to this post but I'm having a very hard time doing so) We just rescued/adopted Juilan - we believe he is part german shephard and part great...
Little shedding, Protection, Bird dog
If any dog guru's out there can help me, I'm looking for a breed that is good for field and water bird hunting, home protection, and sheds very little. If anyone out there can think of a breed or two that may fill the bill, I'd appreciate the info.
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Can you tell me about some of the breeds Im interested in?
Im new here. Dont have a dog as of right now. Said goodbye to my 13 year old Dalmatian last year and now think Im ready for a new furkid. I have a few breeds in mind and want to know if anyone owns/owned any of them or give me any info on these breeds. I've been researching for 8 months now but would...
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Border Collie Huskey Cross
Hello all! I own a two year olf Border Collie huskey cross. She is quite beautiful, but I have heard that this breed ( Border Collie X huskey) can be various different looks and colours. Just wondering if anyone out there has one aswell and how there temperment is? Chevy, my pup, is full of energy and...
fluffy corgi?!
I was looking at pictures of corgi's and came across a "fluffy". They are so stinkin' cute! Has anyone ever heard of a fluffy corgi, is there such thing or are they a mix of some sort? Here are some picture links I got from google...I hope they work.
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Is Zoey a Koolie!?!
Ok, you all know you're never going to hear the end of this!! LMAO~! but now I found a breed that looks like Zoey A LOT!! the australian Koolie!! what do you think!?!