Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Someone dumped these precious pups in our driveway... any ideas what...
They appear to be some where around three months old, give or take, as they still have all of their baby teeth but are beginning to get their more adult coats..... Both are male. Weigh probably around 10-12 pounds. Have REALLY short, stocky legs, ginormous paws and their tails seem small to...
Mastiff or Great Dane?
Hey guy's! So we recently got a new puppy! ( I'm new to the sight because of him :) This would be our 2nd dog. But we got him from the people who got us our first dog :) And they have a Chocolate Lab ( which is who Chubby's mom is ) , but they're thinking with the other male dog's...
White or Lemon Beagle - image heavy!!
She is a working beagle living in Wales. she hunts rabbits, squirrels and fox. just thought it was interesting to see an all white.. or lemon i guess she might be. anyway just felt like sharing pics of such a pretty dog that is also a well love working dog.
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As to be expected, any guesses :) I am sure this gets old!
We adopted Power in late October from the pound. He came in at right under 5lbs and was guessed at 2-3 months old. He had Kennel Cough and a bunch of different types of worms and by December thankfully was finally feeling better and started gaining weight. In the last 2 months he has put on 25lbs and...
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Back again! Pup's grown up, so what breed do you think he could be...
Hello! I remember I posted a while ago, when I first got my pup, asking you guys what breeds you think he could be made up of! I've gotten lots of responses, lab, bloodhound, bullmastiff, english mastiff, golden retriever MIXES! Some would say he's just a Heinz 57! There was one response...
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Breed Guess
Thought I'd post pictures of my first dog as a fun breed guessing thread. He was very small when we brought him home - only 5lbs. The pound said he was a 8 week old "Beagle mix", although he may have been younger. "Bully" grew up to be 26" tall and about 85lbs - quite...
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Bully Breeds
Specifically the staffordshire bull terrier, the pit bull terrier, and the american bulldog. I see a lot of these breeds in the kennel where I work and I often wonder if they are mixed breeds or mislabeled. How do you tell them apart from one another? I can usually identify American bulldogs with...
rw-Interesting, small dog origins
Just posting for interestingness's sake. :) LINKAGE
Does any one tell me is this dog is alsatian or else
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Found out what Simba is...
Okay so I personally think it's a waste of money, but my mom got the dna test done on Simba and the results are...interesting. Boxer(not a shocker) Rottweiler Bulldog ....Poodle Honestly, I still think he has pit in him. The whole poodle thing is still cracking me up, though I believe it could also...
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Basque Shepherds or Australian Shepherds??
i saw something silly in a designer breed website(when i was looking up wolf dogs because of another thread) i saw this "mix" , an australian retriever.. but the hybrid isnt the point. according to them " The Australian Shepherd is a breed of herding dog that was developed on ranches...
scotties and jacks
hi would love to here from any scottie and jack russell owners
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Jack Russell Terriers - love 'em or hate 'em?
I just LOVE them since we acquired our miniature JRT Gemma (Little Gem). We've been won over by her mischievous and intelligent ways and the unconditional love she shows to us. She also loves EVERYTHING in the world - other dogs, people, children, animals, you name it! Most other people we meet...
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Wild pitbulls killed my moms dog =(:::
My mom had a beautiful golden retreiver that was about 9 months old and was just a sweetheart that was killed along with dozens of her chickens by some "wild" pit bulls. I know, animal control right? Does not exist anywhere within 250 miles. Shooting them would be an option but I wouldn't...
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Anybody have any stories or just want to talk about their golden(s...
I love all dogs especially goldens and like to hear stories about them or listen to people talk about them. I think I will start with different stories about my two. When I first brought Bianica home it'll be five years ago in may she was a seven week old puppy and my first dog that was really...
Australian Shepard Information
I have a friend who is considering getting an Aussie puppy. This would be the intention of being an agility dog. What information as a puppy buyer does she need to know? I am assuming she would need to look into OFA hips and elbows, and CERF, however are there any tests specific to the Aussies that she...
Speaking of JRTs..
difference between Old Farm Collie and AKC Collie?
Does anyone know the difference between these two? From what I understand, they have different skull shapes and different coat types. I also know that the Old Farm Collie (Scotch Collie) used to be extremely popular and was bred for function, not physical appearance. Is there anything else, though? And...
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Presa Canario seriously considering a presa for the new pup. (oh and BTW, long story, but Jager is with his breeder, not with us - so now we just have Diesel -akita-, Tessa - beauce- , and Halo - gsd- ) Been going back and forth between presas and getting another TM...but having quite a time trying to find...
what am i?
There is a dog that walks by my work everyday and I'm trying to figure out what it is. Its small, maybe 10-15 lbs, and has fluffy red fur just like a fox. I've tried googleing but so far nothing. Thanks!