Found out what Simba is...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Found out what Simba is...

     Okay so I personally think it's a waste of money, but my mom got the dna test done on Simba and the results are...interesting.


    Boxer(not a shocker) 






    Honestly, I still think he has pit in him. The whole poodle thing is still cracking me up, though I believe it could also be his personality like the vet said. *Snorts* Just thought I'd share.


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    • Gold Top Dog

    That's funny!  We have mystery dogs in our house and have talked about that DNA testing, too.  But my sister read somewhere about a guy who had all his dogs done, and for fun swabbed himself and found out he's something like poodle, too. lol

    Boxer and Rott for sure - Simba's haanshum!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Haha! That's hilarious that a human would have poodle in him too. I didn't really think of Rottie, but I suppose he looks a bit like one. Thanks hun! I think he is too. <3

    • Gold Top Dog

    all the root breeds aside from the poodle come back to Mastiff type. Not suprised. Those tests seem to go too far back in some cases and not far enough back in others.

    On some level all 3 breeds are related thru molosser/mastiff, type. IN fact bulldog was used to make the Bull and Terrier breeds...the bullterrier and staffordshire terriers breeds.

    The Poodle is amusing...BUT Rottweilers originated in Germany which is ALSO...the birth country of the Pudel/ perhaps some intermixing went on who knows?


    • Gold Top Dog

     Hm that's interesting! Yeah maybe there was some intermixing.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have found more often than not when you think about the test results many times you get some wild things but if you consider the area the breeds originated in it can make sense that perhaps some contact occured. That is not to say that, waaaaay back in the mists of time has ANYTHING to do with the dog standing right here right now...because many times the tests miss the most obvious in favor of the more obscure. It's almost like they are TOO sensitive when general would work better for the purpose...that being, what is my dog a mix of.

    One some level ALL dogs are related to one another...but these tests can't seem to get past that, "back when" and move into the "now/current generations" LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hmmm good point. Well, it really doesn't matter to me what he is. I loves him anyway. :) My dad jokingly said he could now accept Simba since he's got poodle in him. Since my dad's first dog was a standard poodle. :P

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well I say I think he is very handsome and I just love his eyes and I have never seen those eyes on a Rottie, a Poodle or a Bulldog

    • Gold Top Dog

     Aw thanks! Yeah neither have I.

    • Gold Top Dog

    In my experience those tests are a scam. IMO you just wasted your money Stick out tongue

    On another forum I am on, one member had their AKC registered Am Staff tested and it came back as boston terrier and hound mix.
    A UKC registered APBT was also tested, and he came back as Greater swiss mountain dog, poodle mix.
    Another was a purebred golden retriever, who aparently is part beagle  Tongue Tied

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    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm sorry-I don't see the poodle, and his hair looks a little short to cut into a frufru do.  But he is a handsome dog.  Does he prance when he walks.- Actually, under their funny hair dos, the poodle is a pretty solid dog.  It was originally a hunter.

    • Gold Top Dog

     lol the poor poodle has a bad reputation does it? because of that doofy hair doo people just cant take them seriously! hard to tell they used to hunt and retrieve just as well as any lab or golden


    its ok Simba, poodle or not, you're still a handsome guy! 


    Spazzy, i've wondered about if anyone had done that.... if it would tell the breed or if it would just tell what breeds went into making that breed.  i know the golden has a "secret ingredient" in it when it was first created but... beagle!?


    • Gold Top Dog

    Bullboxerottadoodle, the latest craze.

    Seriously though, with all the doodles out there, wouldn't be surprised if a boxerdoodle got to a rott/bulldog mix and viola! Simba!

    • Gold Top Dog


    still laughing while i try to pronounce that one Tongue TiedBig Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

     I told my mom the same thing, that it was a waste of money. :P Some of the breeds I wouldn't rule out though.