Found out what Simba is...

    • Gold Top Dog

     Haha! Yeah just a little too short. :P He actually does prance when he walks, but I wouldn't say that's the 'poodle' in him. My last dog pranced too. :P

    • Gold Top Dog

     Poor poodles haha! Aw well he thanks you for calling him handsome. :P

    • Gold Top Dog

     Haha! I know, there's so many poodle mixed 'designer' dogs out there today. I just like poodles by themselves, not mixed with labs, boxers whatever! I'll say that he is that to some people, just to see what they say haha!

    • Gold Top Dog

     My parents lab/rottie x, K.C., kinda looks like Simba in the face.


    • Gold Top Dog

     o.o Waaaaaaant! Yeah I can kinda see it. He reminds me of my last dog with that expression. :P

    • Gold Top Dog

    hard to tell they used to hunt and retrieve just as well as any lab or golden


    They still do.  They run in AKC Hunt Tests for Retrievers.  I've seen some pretty nice ones that I wouldn't mind feeding. :)

    Simba is adorable no matter his mix.  His eyes are absolutely amazing.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Aw thanks hun! I know, I loves them. <3

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think those tests are always funny...they come back with some wacky results, lol.

    Whatever mix Simba is, he is 100% CTP (Cu-T-Pie!)  Big Smile 


    Me, I just guess on my boys.  I stink at breed guesses, but I think Harry is mostly Lab & Aussie.  Sammy I think is mostly Pointer & (insert here sighthound).  One of these days I might post a "What breed is he?" thread here to see what other folks see, esp since I am terribly at breed guesses.  Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

     They really do. My last dog was apparently German Shepherd, Bloodhound and...Cocker Spaniel. The first two I could see though:


    Haha! That he is. :P 

    Your pups actually look really similar, I actually thought you got them together. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Two of the news reporters here tested their dogs (for a story)

    One dog came back border collie/pit - completely believable. that's what we thought she was.

    the other... was an AKC bichon... that came back part dobie...Huh?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I agree with my dad's theory. People just put random stuff on them and then send it out. :P

    • Gold Top Dog

    My coworker's 7 lb Chihuahua or Chihuahua mix (adopted) came back as a Chi/Dalmatian