Wolf Dog Hybrids

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am interested in having a wolf-dog hybrid as a companion. What should I know about these dogs before I look for a breeder?

      I noticed a lot of people replied with links against owning hybrids - you may have noticed that this is a topic which people tend to be very passionate about! Depsite all the links already posted, I am going to post another. I hope that you do read it, as it is not for nor against owning hybrids but instead aims to eduacte as to what sort of care and management is needed to properly own hybrids. The site is part of Wolf Park's website and is IMO probably one of the best resources available online regaring keeping wolves and wolf hybrids. Of special interest is Wolf Park's position statement on ownership of wolves and wolf hybrids and most especially, Guidelines for Keeping Wolfdogs.

    Wolf Park Wolfdog Resource Page


     One "issue" with looking into feedback about wolf hybrids is that many people have dogs which were sold to them as wolf hybrids that are not. So you'll find people who tell you they had or have a higher content wolf hybrid and it was social, outgoing, loved everyone and was "just like a normal dog". Likely that is because their supposed "hybrid" is just a normal dog. I have seen all sorts of dogs which were supposedly wolf hybrids that obviously were not. One was a purebred GSD, another was a purebred white Siberian Husky, yet another was a very Sibe like mix, one looked to be a ACD mix, etc, etc. There are a lot of people out there who have caught on that they make money for claiming their mixed breed or poorly bred purebred litters are "part wolf". There are also breeders who breed hybrids but also breed Northern breed mixes and sell puppies from either parentage as hybrids. And some owner will say they for sure have a hybrid but if you ask them a bit more, it turns out they don't know the dog's background or did not buy the dog as a hybrid - they have determined that the dog looks "wolfy", so must be part wolf.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Very old thread alert!!