Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Is this dog skinny?
Does this dog look skinny to you?
  • 62 REPLIES
Northern Breeds
Hi,my name is Bianca and I own a beautiful Siberian Husky named Laika.She is 1 year old.I`ve got her at 5 month because her owners wanted to abandon her in the woods,they thought she was good for guarding. .I`ll come back with pictures soon!!
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Border terriers
What can you guys tell me about them. Hubby and I were talking and looking at different breeds, he likes the look of the breed, He doesnt want a little fluffy dog. He wants a dog that is rough and tumble and doesnt look like it will break.
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Any Ideas?
This is Maya. She was sold to us as a Husky mix, but very few people see the Husky in her. I have had people ask if she is Great Pyrenees, Kuvatz, and even Maremma! She is a year old and about 70 lbs and stands about two feet high. The grin you see is pretty much her default expression.
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Beagles off leash?
I've heard that you should never let a beagle off its leash because it will follow its nose away from you and get so caught up in the smells, that it will get lost. Now, I realize that beagles are sniffing dogs, more than other dogs, but LIKE other dogs, couldn't you train a beagle to come back...
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What mix is our Lani?
The pound thought she might be corgi/sheperd. She has short legs and very huge paws. What do you think? See more pics on my home page, can't figure out how to post more pics here.
wondering what she will become! :)
Hello, I recently adopted a bichon/terrier/poodle mix from a bichon rescue group, but I just don't see much Bichon! haha--not that I mind at all, but supposedly Dad is a poodle/bichon and Mom is a terrier. However, no word on type of terrier, nor any guess on weight as adult. Although she is just...
Hi all first time dog owner here. We adopted kali from a shelter and we know her mother was a purebred GSD, but not sure what the father could be. Here are some pictures of her from 5 months on. One thing, her tail curls up slightly when she gets excited, but when we walk her it down. [IMG]http:/...
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What breed is my dog?
Hi! I just adopted this lovely 10 week old Chow mix. They just simply told me that she's a chow mix. Any opinions as to what other breed she's mixed with? Thanks! [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]
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Help Me? Who Am I?
My Name Is Hershey. I'm Chocolate In Color With White Paws, White Nose, White Stripe Down My Chest, And White Stripe Down The Back Of My Head. I'm Energetic, Playful, And Loving Towards Humans. I'm One Year Old. I Can Jump From A Stand Still To Around Four Feet. I Only Eat When I'm Hungry...
  • 15 REPLIES
Anyone have a godlen/labrador mix?
I keep gravitating to this mix between my yearnings for poodle or pwd or bmd, etc. BUt inbetween I always gravitate to this mix- I love love the look of the black coat with the length of the golden. Wouldn't mind some white on the chest/chin/face too. For one, they look so happy, for two, they...
Great_Pyreneese / Hybrid wolf mix?
Sorry, I could of added this to my other post. Is there anyone that breeds larger hybrid wolf breeds perhaps maybe with a dog like the Great Pyreneese? Or are there larger hybid wolf breeds anywhere? Thanks, __Lw
What are the top 5 best breeds for allergy sufferers? What are the...
I asked earlier a question about Poodles. It seems I'm more allergic to my poodle than any other dog out there. I have a high shedding Terrier mix that I don't have any problems with, nor most other breeds of dog. My docs theory is I'm not allergic to dogs so much as the allergens my poodle...
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Thoughts on Standard Poodles?
Hey guys, this is a question to anyone who has owned or is currently owning any standard poodles. I do not plan on getting one now, but I would love to get one at some point. What are the pros and cons of owning one? I know they require a lot of grooming and some people don't like that, though I...
  • 18 REPLIES
German Shepherds and stacking
I've noticed T-Bone naturally stacks when he stands alert. I've owned a lot of dogs, and they'll all do it on occasion, but it's just a pose T-Bone strikes! I know shepherds are taught to stack or hand stacked in the show ring, but is it a trait that's sort of bred into them now?...
  • 11 REPLIES
10 Top Favorite & T0 Least Favorite Purebreds
Hello Fellow Dog Lovers! ^_~ Here you can share with us about your own personal top 10 favorite purebreds here and even top 10 of least favorite purebreds. I would love to hear your reasons why you picked them, although that part is optional. It would be interesting to see what everyone who posts...
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One of our latest fosters. Breed ideas?
Hopefully this link will work. If not I'll have to figure something else out tomorrow. I haven't even seen the dog myself...only the photos. The color pattern is all brindle not merle. It was a bit hard to tell for sure, from the photos, and so asked one of our members who'd seen the dog...
Dog Bucket List
Hi What dogs would you like to own this lifetime that you haven't and why? I have owned Poodles and Labs I would love to own a Malinois. I love the way they work and their work ethic. I would really like a wire haired German pointer. They can handle wheather and scrub well, i love the character,...
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identify this mixed breed?
I know Chihuahua for sure, but I'm curious as to what else he may be. Thanks guys & gals, Rich
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What breeds do you see in Simba?
So I'm curious as to what breeds you see in Sim. I kind of see a boxador/pit almost? Sometimes he looks a lot like a pit mix, other times he doesn't. The people that rescued him and his siblings say he has husky in him, but they really can't just base that on his eye color... Side profile...