Any Ideas?

    • Silver

    Any Ideas?

     This is Maya.  She was sold to us as a Husky mix, but very few people see the Husky in her.  I have had people ask if she is Great Pyrenees, Kuvatz, and even Maremma!  She is a year old and about 70 lbs and stands about two feet high.  The grin you see is pretty much her default expression.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Lab mixed with ???

    • Gold Top Dog

    Kuvas and Maremma would be unlikel, unless there are farms around you that use them. Great Pyr is a more likely possibility. She could be a Pyr/Husky mix?

    • Silver

    Im seeing border collie.  It could be that 2 working dogs got together while.

     GPs go back to Maremmas and Im seeing more of that in the body, but the head looks more BC to me.

     I have a maremma and he's an easy 150.  so thats where the size would be coming from. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd go with Pyr mix.  What a pretty girl!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I kind of see Great Pyrenees/lab mix. She's pretty!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Waaaay back in the dark ages when I was doing husky rescue, we had a litter of confirmed husky x pyrs, and most of them looked very much like her with varying sized colored patches, and some of them were long-haired. (the mom was a grey husky)- I woudl suspect if the husky parent was a solid white, you wouldn't have those colored patches. So I could definitely see husky x pyr.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I see husky in there. In both the face and rear end, especially the tail. I would guess pry husky mix
    • Gold Top Dog

    Maya looks an awful lot like my mom's dogs (RIP babies).  They were from a golden/husky litter.  The weights were about the same although Luke & Lily's legs weren't as long as Maya's.

    • Silver

    Oh my goodness Swifferlips, those dogs look SO much like Maya.  People have suggested golden before, and I've just said 'who knows', but now I'm becoming a believer!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Leslie, that first pic looks exactly like my first dog, Max! I always wondered what mix he was. I figured husky/something but never put a finger on the 2nd set of genes.

    • Gold Top Dog

    There may have been more breeds involved than just golden and husky but those 2 were known for sure.  Luke & Lily had a really sad story.  They were born in a horse stall and had absolutely no human contact for their first 6 months of life.  Someone would dump dog food into the stall for the mother and pups.  When my mom lost her poodle at the age of 18 she decided to adopt from the local humane society.  She saw these 2 puppies and couldn't decide which to take so she adopted both.  They both seemed shy but we thought that it had to do with the activity around the adoption day at the vet clinic.  Had she known their story, she may have only took 1 of them because they turned out to be totally dependant on each other and never really warmed up to humans like other dogs.  Lily died quite unexpectedly at the age of 3.  Only after she was gone did Luke start to come out of his shell around people.  Then he died unexpectedly at the age of 4.  One of the techs at the veterinary clinic had also adopted from the same litter and her dog, who was marked exactly like a husky, also died before the age of 5. 

    Sorry to hijack the thread with their story.  When I saw Maya's picture I couldn't believe the resemblance and I just had to share.