wondering what she will become! :)

    • Silver

    wondering what she will become! :)

    Hello, I recently adopted a bichon/terrier/poodle mix from a bichon rescue group, but I just don't see much Bichon! haha--not that I mind at all, but supposedly Dad is a poodle/bichon and Mom is a terrier. However, no word on type of terrier, nor any guess on weight as adult. Although she is just over 10lb at this time, and again, the age guess is around 4 months right now. Her fur was totally soft/fluffly/white all over, but in the last couple weeks, a wavy, more coarse, almost apricot "stripe" seems to be coming through the middle of her back. I would LOVE to know about how big she will be full grown, and also what type terrier,etc...Our other dog is a 5yr old male French Brittany, and we got him from a breeder, so we saw the Mom/Dad. This time around,though, I wanted to rescue, and my only hope was a small light,female,family-friendly dog. Smile I am also dealing with her fear of new people and dogs when we are walking, but just bought a book on helping dogs overcome their fears, so no post on that yet. But I am sure I will be back to ask more questions as time goes on! It is so completely different having a small dog, who bascially prances around the house, vs. our busy, intense, 37lb Brittany who always wants to be out chasing squirrels. It's a great balance, though--they play awesome and he is so gentle with her. (crossing fingers that continues when she gets older). Thanks for any feedback!! I adore my fur family members and want to do whatever I can to be a good mom to them!
    p.s. I am new at this, so if my pics don't come up, I will try again! They are on my profile page...
    • Gold Top Dog

    She looks identical to a cavalier spaniel/bichon that I dog sit for. Same markings and everything!

    • Gold Top Dog

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh if that isn't terminal cuteness I don't know what is!!! But with that mix you've got a friendly, smart dog who doesn't know when to quit!!  LOL  She's gonna be a darned good dog, I tell ya!! *grin*

    • Gold Top Dog

     Shes definitely a bichon x! Soo cute, too.

    • Silver

    Thanks for the feedback Erica,Callie and Tiffy! The mystery of what she will become is intriguing to me. :) So far she and Brady balance each other really well. She is silly, bouncy and has  these little sounds like a cat purring which crack us up. When she teeths, it is gentle and often she just wants to carry something around the house. When Brady chews, HE CHEWS! (even at 5 he can rip thru a squeaky toy in minutes and get thru a frozen stuffed Kong faster than you can imagine.) She is curious, He likes to have a job to do. He housetrained in a month, she is still having oopsies when not watched every second. It makes things very interesting around here to have two such different doggies. Again, my biggest concern right now is getting her comfortable with a variety of people and dogs, which I can not really do yet (the dog part) since she has one more set of vaccinations to go.....