Great_Pyreneese / Hybrid wolf mix?

    • Silver

    Great_Pyreneese / Hybrid wolf mix?

    Sorry, I could of added this to my other post. Is there anyone that breeds larger hybrid wolf breeds perhaps maybe with a dog like the Great Pyreneese? Or are there larger hybid wolf breeds anywhere?



    • Gold Top Dog

    what a scary horrible thought. Mixing a breed bred specifically to combat and remove wild canid threats to it's flock...with said wild canid. The poor dog would end up with schitzophrenia!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Isn't that illegal?  If not, gosh, it sure should be.  Wolves are wild animals and shouldn't be bred for domestic purposes.  JMHO

    • Gold Top Dog

    If the intent is to create a dog/wolf hybrid to protect your Mom' chickens that you posted about elsewhere, I would suggest your Mom find a way to keep her animals safe that doesn't involve such an unpredictable animal as this could be.  A secure fence surrounded on the outside with an electric fence seems much more reliable to me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I lived briefly with a roomie who had a dog of this cross, and he was a freaking nightmare. (I never signed a lease, I insisted on a trial period because I didn't believe he was safe and ended up being right.)

     Wolves are naturally shy. Looking for a protective 'wolf' is a REALLY bad idea. If you are dead-set on a wolfy-looking breed and up for the challnage, look at the serious workingline GSDs from Czech lines- lots of grey sables there.

    • Puppy

    Being that I saw your other post, I'll stop you right there. There are very good odds that the Wolf hybrid would kill your farm animals by himself. You'd be making the problem worse.

    This is completly aside from the fact wolf hybrids are notoriously hard to train and that they often "turn" on their owners at puberty.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I would add that the law prohibits owning a wolf hybrid in many states, and you could have your animal confiscated.  Plus, as the others have said, interbreeding in this way is just a really bad idea for many reasons.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wolf hybrids should never be "bred for" - they are generally a poor unfortunate outcome of a human's greed in which the animal does not fit into either world, wild or domestic. Of all the animals, I feel the worst for them as they truly have no real place in our world.

    • Gold Top Dog

    This thread is 3 months old.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow, I usually notice this!! That's what happens when you come on to read "unread posts" after a long few days at work......