Is this dog skinny?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is this dog skinny?

    Does this dog look skinny to you?
    • Gold Top Dog
    oooppps I mean this one
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: krystallovespitbulls

    oooppps I mean this one

    • Gold Top Dog
    thank you
    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh that looks just nasty! How the heck can they keep a dog like that?
    It an APBT not a greyhound for christ sake!!!!
    People are just cruel [:'(]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Maybe...but you don't have muscle like that without being fed SOMETHING and lots of it. If he lacked muscle tone I'd be worried.
    Like the difference between a famine victim and a marathon runner really...muscle. Not always obvious until you see their energy levels and stamina!
    • Silver
    What a sin! That dog is TOO thin,emaciated even.
    And even greyhounds shouldn't be that thin.Yeah,they are skinny dogs,but not that skinny,unless not being fed right!
    • Gold Top Dog
    This dog isn't skinny (as in super model skinny), he is in "fighting trim".  This means he's at his pit weight, reasy to go into the ring.[:(] I agree about him being like a marathon runner--he is very muscular with no fat.  He reminds me of a Thoroughbred, ready for the race track.

    Poor boy, I can see scars on his head.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I agree - all muscle and no fat.  Ripped!  Too bad it is forthe wrong reason, though. 
    I'd rather see a dog like this than some of the amoebic bags of blubber that some people have.  THAT is what I call abuse. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Piffle.  My dogs are in top athletic condition and are "marathon runners" - can run miles in all weathers, all terrains.  You cannot see every rib, the entire rib, from a distance, or trace the outline of each joint, or count every vertebra from withers to stern.  That dog has enough muscle to keep itself alive in a life-or-death situation but I couldn't see him pulling weights all day long and certainly not running marathons.  He's a male (presumably intact) but lacks the masculine msucle crest that I know that breed should have, even in top athletic condition.  To someone who has seen a lot of underfed rescues that means his body is metabolising muscle for energy.

    Here's a boy pitbull dog to show what I mean - even a really trim dog doesn't lose that crest because it's muscle mass, not fat:  [link][/link]

    ETA more pics:
    These dogs appear to be more athletic than the boy above -
    Neutered dog -

    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: brookcove Piffle.  My dogs are in top athletic condition and are "marathon runners" - can run miles in all weathers, all terrains.  You cannot see every rib, the entire rib, from a distance, or trace the outline of each joint, or count every vertebra from withers to stern.  That dog has enough muscle to keep itself alive in a life-or-death situation but I couldn't see him pulling weights all day long and certainly not running marathons.  He's a male (presumably intact) but lacks the masculine msucle crest that I know that breed should have, even in top athletic condition. 

    I agree!  That looks too skinny to me and I am not convinced that its healthy because he has some muscle.   I am also rather see dogs slightly underweight than overweight but that is too extreme - he looks undernourished IMO.
    • Bronze
    He's not malnourished..just really ripped...I don't like that look either, but some people do..its a personal preference long as the dog is healthy and well fed, I don't see the issue...

    Also, not all dogs that look like that are used for fighting..yes, alot of them probably are, but some people have extremely toned dogs that resemble that one when they're in hardcore weight competitions...

    Personally, I think this is ideal:
    • Gold Top Dog
    Agree with vanilla, a ripped dog is fine, but the backbones of the spine should not be visible.[:(]
    • Gold Top Dog
    In the world of show dogs he would be a BEAUTIFUL specimen. As amreicans we tend to want to beef up our dogs. I had Rory at my work (a hotel) and a lady from europe was staying with us, she told my my Rory looked extremely overweight compared to the bully's in Europe, Rory is 63 lbs, comapred to typical american pits she is average.
    I dont think the dog pictured is taken care of very well because of scars but he is defintly in prime shape
    • Gold Top Dog
    Oh lord, slap me in the face. I thought she was asking about the dog in her avatar, not the one posted later. Even though he has msucle I dont think that is normal, the one that "pitbull" posted was a beautiful specimen though