Anybody have any stories or just want to talk about their golden(s)?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Anybody have any stories or just want to talk about their golden(s)?

    I love all dogs especially goldens and like to hear stories about them or listen to people talk about them. I think I will start with different stories about my two.

    When I first brought Bianica home it'll be five years ago in may she was a seven week old puppy and my first dog that was really mine and since my tv in my room didnt have a remote so I had to get up and turn it on myself and right behind me was my bucket of yarn which I *thought* was too tall for her to reach into and she kept trying to get my yarn so I kept turning around and telling her no very firmly and she'd sit there looking at me like what I didn't do anything then I turned around for I swear it was only two seconds she got my yarn and ran into the living room and was in the middle of unraveling it when I caught her and then pushed it over towards the other dog as if to blame it on her. Also once my aunts boyfriend saw her the day I got her he was determined she was his dog so every since I got her whenever would see me which was all the time he always asked "wheres my dog" and before that he refused to ever had a golden retriever and only wanted a begal and after seeing her we would pretend to argue over whoes dog she was and two days before he died he asked where his dog was and I told him she was out in the back yard and he went and played with her for a few hours. And while it normally takes her a while to warm up to other dogs she immediantly took to Abby.

    I don't consider Abby a rescue dog or a shelter dog as she was never actually put into the shelter but she was just about to be put in the shelter and I was in the exercise pen checking out a dog in the shelter 30 miles away from my house but things just didn't click with that dog as it had with bianica but I was about to fill out the adoption application and the lady infront of me had a very blonde golden and I couldn't help but start playing with the dog and talking to the lady and the lady told me that she was dropping Abby off there because she was more hyper as a 10 month old pup than her previous golden retriever was at 14 years old. And so I had to bring her home. She is often called my cat dog because she can sneak on the bed so subtley that I won't even know she there until I roll over on her and have to push her off my bed as I don't allow animals on my furinature. But it's so cute to be laying in bed and she tries to snuggle up close to you even though I know if I don't want her to begin to think it's ok for her to be on the furinature I have to push her off the bed each and everytime.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What nice stories. :)  I've never owned a golden but I've known quite a few of them.  They are certainly one of the most beautiful breeds and can be very nice dogs. Both of your dogs sound like lovely dogs with typical golden personalities.  Rex, my yellow dog, does a similar thing of sneaking on the bed.  He too thinks he's so cute that he will get to stay. lol

    • Bronze

         Many years ago, in one of my 4-H obedience classes, there was a wonderful Golden boy that loved to retrieve a whole mouthful of tennis balls. I can't remember his name, but I'll never forget his big goofy expression and wagging tail when he would bring back at least 4 balls at once. The memory still makes me smile!!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I LOVE to talk Goldens!!! I have had a golden retriever or two in my life since I was 7.

    Currently have a young girl name Teddi! She had a rough first couple years as many here know. She was diagnosed hip dysplastic at 9 months and had to have a total hip replacement for her first birthday. She is two years post op and loving life. She is a wonderful, happy typical golden girl! 

    In October, I lost my heart dog "Maxine" she is my signature dog. We were together for 12 1/2 short years. In fact I realized yesterday I met her 13 years ago this week. She was my Valentine's day present. We picked her out the weekend before and picked her up the following weekend. I never knew she would effect my life as she did. She was my best friend, secret keeper, and the air I breathe for not enough years. I still miss her so very very much. 

    The list include (all girls) named, Katya, Amber, Kachina, Kayla followed by Max and Teddi. I am currently starting to do my homework on my next golden pup who I hope will join our family late 2010. 


    • Gold Top Dog

     I LOVE goldens...after having my first one, Sammi, when I was 15, I'd never again get another girl now, Maggie, 1 1/2, is quickly growing up to be just as silly as Sammi.  I'm tired and jetlagged, so I can't think of any Maggie stores off the top of my head, but, here's one of many Sammi stories:


    My mom had just bought 6 ears of corn on the cob from a farmer's market.  We had given Sammi some corn before, but, never a lot...just a few kernels off of our plates at dinner.  My mom sat the ears of corn on the ground and went about preparing the rest of dinner.  She decided to shuck the corn, but when she went to grab the ears, they were gone.  She then heard a distinct munching noise coming from the living room...when she followed the noise, there she saw Sammi...surrounded by corn silk and empty cobs.  She was smart enough to not only peel the corn, but, also to leave the cobs and just eat the corn off of them!

    • Silver

     I <3 Golden too :) I would say they are probably the most popular dog at our local park - not surprising as they are a great breed! Lucy just turned 14 and is still as silly as ever. People are always shocked at how agile she is for her age, she has truly been blessed with a healthy life.

    One distinct characteristic of Lucy is the fact she sleeps with her eyes open and rolled back. It's actually kind of gross. haha, she also snores like a bear.

    She was also very ninja like in her younger days (not so much anymore). Upon being let inside, she is trained to wait by the door until a command is given. However she always managed to sneak away without us noticing. Next thing you'd know, she would be laying beside you.

    She also does the best puppy dog eyes I have ever seen!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love the stories you guys have posted so far. Just felt like sharing one of the more frustrating stories about Abby. So recently Abby has gotten better at being sneaky and even has taken to hiding when she is doing something wrong. Case in point if I leave the garbage can on the floor and I'm not paying attention to her every move she will pull something out of the garbage can go to her hiding place tear it to shreds then scatter it on the floor. I often wonder what goes through her head but the great news is since her previous owner never took her to obediance classes and I just found a job yesterday after I'm done paying my family back what I've borrowed over the 5 months of looking for a job the first thing I'm going to do after that is put her in the obediance classes bianica was in when I go her.