Wild pitbulls killed my moms dog =(:::

    • Gold Top Dog

    There's another problem with using dogs as protection, and that is that you would want them to be socialized properly to both your livestock and your family so that they don't become a danger to you or other household pets - hence you would probably need to get a very young puppy, which means you would still have the problem of the feral dogs getting access to it.  One puppy (later, dog) is not enough, so what do you do, get three puppies???  Training three simultaneously would be a nightmare, I should think.  Others have made some good points about the ability of feral dogs or coyotes killing domestic dogs.  Was the Golden Retriever pup left outdoors?  If so, consider not leaving pet dogs alone outside with no human protection.  Donkeys are a great idea.  I know that my horse is a formidable foe if a dog attempts to enter his paddock, and I think that donkeys are even bolder in that regard, and they have a better turning radius:-)  But, again, that means two, and it's an expense.  Fencing might actually be cheaper if all you need is a 15 x 15 kennel, let's say, plus a secure chicken coop.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Um..."wild pitbulls" how do you know they were pitbulls? 

    Donkeys are really good with protecting herds...usually a jenny and a jack.  The jenny stays with the herd and the jack protects the herd.


    if you have a jenny & a jack, prepare yourself for babies!

    donks are usually good protectors they naturally do not like canines since its only natural predator is a coyote.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    *just a heads up for someone noticing this unread thread - it's 3 months old, also*

    • Gold Top Dog

     :-))) That's what I get for reading my email

    • Gold Top Dog


    I can only see three breeds that you might consider.

    Malamute, Akita, Kengal.

    IF there is a pack of wild "pitbulls" running around, These are the only dogs I believe would stand any chance. I would also consider that the best way to keep a pack away is to have your own pack. 3 adult dogs of the previously mentioned breeds (preferably males) should be able to dissuade the pack from comming on your propety due to their sent and should push come to shove they should also be able to hadle a pack from 3 to 6 dogs.


    Old thread or not. i dont care, i just want to caution anyone new reading this NOT to just rush out and buy one or two or three of the above mentioned breeds because, if i remember correctly, they do have a reputation of being gender aggressive, among other issues for the novice dog owner. 

    when dealing with feral or wild dogs its safer and wiser to err on the side of caution and NOT TAKE CHANCES. either repair fences, add electricity, set traps or get a rifle and learn how to use it.  the last one is the most extreme problem solver but i say if it came down to "your life or theirs" then you life should be the top priority.

    • Gold Top Dog

     That's really stupid to "FIGHT" another dog with another dog if they are actually feral dogs. Good going Vick Jr! Find the feral dogs and get rid of them first. Fix that problem first, then work on getting more livestock and dog. I find it sad that your dog was only a puppy.

    • Gold Top Dog

     i dont think its so much to "fight" the feral dogs, but to deter them. feral dogs are often hungry and looking for an easy meal. unless its a fairly large pack then they arent likely to risk a fight with an already established dog. i know circumstances may apply, but often times instinct to survive will win unless the dog is over confident(been surviving and hunting alone long enough) or rabid. and if thats the case then your guard dog may prove useless and you wont know until its too late anyway.

    people still use guard dogs to protect property but its not an easy task. its still a partnership. and NEVER ask your dog to do something you yourself are unwilling to do.