What breed is Julian

    • Silver

    What breed is Julian

    Hi Guys  - I just uploaded a photo of Julian on my home page and hope you can help by telling me what breed you think he is..... (I tried uploading his photo to this post but I'm having a very hard time doing so)

    We just rescued/adopted Juilan - we believe he is part german shephard and part great dane (due to his BIG feet, LONG legs and height) - he also has a marble eye (we call it that because it has ALOT of white in it - which I've seen in some great danes)


    he's the most gentlest giant ever, very mild tempered, lovable, appetite like a bear and gallops when he runs - he came into our life when we need him most, an angel sent him to mend our tender heart from the loss of our beloved Moe that passed away unexpectedly last week.

    we would appreciate your input - thanks !  


    • Gold Top Dog

    Do you have a link to the pic?   I'm not sure where to find your homepage? 

    The "marbled eye" thing automaticly makes me think Catahola Lepord Dog but I'll wait to take a guess till I see the pic.

    Edit: Found it, it's just a click away: http://community.dog.com/members/misspennysmom/photos/picture848310.aspx

    So, GSD for sure! Dane is a posible but I might even say ridgback, something just seems to stand out that reminds me of the breed.  So gald to hear about all the joy he's brining you!

    I just noticed his tail, it looks a bit fluffy like a husky so that could also be in the mix.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Oh, wow, what a gorgeous fellow!  He reminds me of a short haired version of Gina's Leonberger, Cleo.  There isn't a shorthaired variety of Leo's tho.  I really think GSD/Great Dane is as good as guess as any as to his mix. 

    ...I just noticed his tail, it looks a bit fluffy like a husky so that cold also be in the mix.

    I didn't see his tail, but just wanted to add, given his size, if there's a Norther breed in him, I'd lean more towards Malamute.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What about anatolian shepherd or mix of?


    • Gold Top Dog

    What about anatolian shepherd or mix of?

    Anatolian mix was another breed that crossed my mind.  They aren't very popular, tho.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She/he reminds me of a shorthaired Cleo.

    • Silver

    I think you guys are right about the Anatolian Shepherd - the more I read about them the more I am inclined to say that is what breed Julian is - the traits they have, their disposition and all fits him so well - thank God he's a mellow man, he has spirts of energy and loves to run and fetch but then he likes to just hang out and chill with the rest of us and enjoy family time as I call it .....he's protective when anyone comes over and wont let up until you introduce him to them, I'm just happy that he's mild tempered toward my older female dog - and thank God Lucy is taking to him just fine - she likes to be bossy and I think cause Julian is taller than her she's not as bullyish towards him -

    thanks for your help in determining his breed - I want to be as educated as possible so that I can understand him more with the things he does and he way he acts, etc.,   Its challenging dealing with a dog that you know nothing about while doing your best to make him feel comfortable in your home to put his fears and worries at ease, its a hard job I tell you, esp when one day he's fine with you and the next day he's scared of you, one day a a time I tell my husband, one day at a time.  tonight I will lay some dirty t-shirts on the floor where he sleeps so that he gets use to our smell, maybe that will ease him a bit.

     thanks again !


    • Gold Top Dog

     Um, not so fast.  I'm not so sure that you have an Anatolian. The likelihood, unless you live in an area with a lot of farms, is pretty remote.  As you said, they are not all that popular.  Check this list from the people who tell the truth about this breed - the people who rescue them after others get them and cannot manage them.  I think you may find that your dog isn't as much like an Anatolian as you thought. 



    • Gold Top Dog


    I think you guys are right about the Anatolian Shepherd - the more I read about them the more I am inclined to say that is what breed Julian is - the traits they have, their disposition and all fits him so well - thank God he's a mellow man, he has spirts of energy and loves to run and fetch but then he likes to just hang out and chill with the rest of us and enjoy family time as I call it .....he's protective when anyone comes over and wont let up until you introduce him to them, I'm just happy that he's mild tempered toward my older female dog - and thank God Lucy is taking to him just fine - she likes to be bossy and I think cause Julian is taller than her she's not as bullyish towards him - 

     Those are more typical of GSD traits than livestock guardian traits, especially the engery and loving to fetch! Anatolians are pretty uncommon, so it is not likely to find random mixes of them.