Someone dumped these precious pups in our driveway... any ideas what they could be?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Someone dumped these precious pups in our driveway... any ideas what they could be?

    They appear to be some where around three months old, give or take, as they still have all of their baby teeth but are beginning to get their more adult coats.....

    Both are male.

    Weigh probably around 10-12 pounds.

    Have REALLY short, stocky legs, ginormous paws and their tails seem small to me, in comparion to the rest of their bodies and their coats are thick and remind me a lot of German Shepherd coats.

    The one is black with tan and white markings and has a more square muzzle, and has smaller ears, that I feel may stand as he gets older and is really compactly built.

    The other is tan with a black muzzle and a sable saddle, his muzzle is more slender and he's not as stocky as the black one. He has small ears and one is already standing.

     We are keeping the black one, named him Smokey and my sister took the tan one and is calling him Shadow.

    I know these are horrible pics to be guessing breeds by, and the puppies are awful young... but I thought I'd just throw it out there to see what you guys think.

    We're guessing... shepherd/basset hound?




    • Gold Top Dog

    Yea I think shepherd/bassett is as good a guess as any!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't see much to lead me away from Corgi X myself. Basset would be looser skinned...larger ears...more houndy. I don't see much houndy in those pups...but I do see herding breeds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd guess corgi X too, particularly with a shorter tail (I think some corgis are naturally bobbed, but not positive)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Now that you guys say that... I do see an awful lot of corgi characteristics in the black one... not so much the tan one though....... other than the ears and legs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    They could well have different sires so that doesn't suprise me Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

     Here is Tootsie, my 100% corgi, for comparison:


    • Gold Top Dog

    I was thinking shepherd/corgi cross -- dunno who got up on the chair, but the body says corgi but the coat/ears look shepherd to me.  herder?  100% I betcha.

    And Gina's right -- the two could easily have had different sires -- and one of them could easily have had border collie in them.

    Sure as anything -- you're gonna wind up with  a couple of dudes really good at following everbuddy from room to room!

    • Gold Top Dog

    We kept the black one, my sister took the tan one... and yessiree... they do love to follow you around. They're very good with kids too... and very loud, lol.

    Our's is sleeping in the barn with our other farm dog, Lexie...and is fitting right in. Not scared of the horses, and is very respectful of the other dogs, ignores the cats. Although, Sadie, the poodle isn't the least bit impressed, especially when they're all inside.