What breed is my Reston?

    • Bronze

    What breed is my Reston?

    Reston was put out of her house at 4 months old, and I rescued her. However training has been somewhat difficult and i think if i knew what she was i could do some research and have a better chance. So what is she lol???


    • Gold Top Dog

     She resembles a Beagle/Jack Russell Terrier mix. How big is she?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks like a Jack Russell or some kind of terrier mix -- they can be a challenge with training.  But he's a cutie! good luck.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I see jack too. How old is she in these pictures, and how much does she weigh?

    I'm betting on a mix of terriers.

    • Gold Top Dog

     She resembles a Beagle/Jack Russell Terrier mix. How big is she?

    I was thinking Beagle/JRT, too.  Both breeds can be a challenge to train.