Name This Mixed Breed?

    • Bronze

    Name This Mixed Breed?

    My mom and I have been caring for this sweet little lunatic of a dog named Jake. It's clear that he's some kind of mixed breed and/or pure, sheer mutt. Even still, he has a lot of strange personality traits and vocalizations that have intrigued me. I say there's some basinji in there, but what could make him so small and furry (when his fur is grown out)? Pics provided of course. [IMG][/IMG] Jake when he first came to us. [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] Jake now. Any ideas that might shed some light on this burning question would be greatly appreciated.
    • Gold Top Dog

    There may be something else there, but I see Chihuahua and Westie.

    • Bronze
    Yeah, I've thought Chihuahua too, but a woman in our complex swore to me as we dog-conversed that she didn't see any Chihuahua there and since I don't really know dogs, I started doubting myself. What was the other thing there you mentioned? There are stars in the middle of it. (Why does it do that?)
    • Gold Top Dog

    ... What was the other thing there you mentioned? There are ***ars in the middle of it. (Why does it do that?)

    They are a pain, aren't they?  They ju*** ***arted popping up today.  The other breed I mentioned was W-e-s-t Highland White Terrier.***_highland_white_terrier/index.cfm 

    Here's a link with pictures***+highland+white+terrier&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=6LyzS9vFLcSblgf7hLm5BA&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CC4QsAQwAw

    • Gold Top Dog


    My first thought was a Westie also.  I don't think I see Chi in there, the ears and shape of the head just doesn't seem like it matches.  I can't quite place the other breed or breeds but I'm thinking maybe mixed with anouther type of terrier?  He's cute!
    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree, Westie and Chihuahua!

    • Bronze
    They are a pain, aren't they? They ju*** ***arted popping up today. The other breed I mentioned was W-e-s-t Highland White Terrier.
    I checked the announcements part of the forum and I'm thinking it might be a misfiring censor. I've heard Westie before, too especially when he was all grown out with the fur everywhere. I've also heard Jack Russell but eh...I don't know. I've looked at a lot of Jack mixed breeds since Jake showed up and none of them worked out. @Xebby: He's very cute when he wants to be, but also a bit on the crazy side. Okay, a lot on the crazy side. (lol)
    • Gold Top Dog
    It is hard to tell with no full body views but I don't see any Basenji for sure. My guess would be a Chihuahua/Poodle mix, aka a "Chipoo". Poodles very often produce the "scruffy" coat when they are mixed with other breeds and I have seen several Chipoos who look quite like this little guy. Of course being mixes, there is a quite a range of looks (various coat lengths, ears types, etc and both breeds come in a lot of different colors).

     A few pictures of the mix:





    • Gold Top Dog

     chihuahua/poodle was my guess too

    • Bronze

    I don't see any basenji either.

    • Gold Top Dog

     For some reason he reminds me of Megs, Pirate.

    • Puppy

    perhaps schnauzer or even silky