So, You Wanna Live With a Dobe?

    • Gold Top Dog

    So, You Wanna Live With a Dobe?

    When people ask what it's like to live with a dobe, it's easy, for me, to get caught up in talking about the energy level, the stigmas, the protective instincts & the intelligence that you can expect to deal with.  I tend to forget to mention other "little things" that are innately Doberman. 

    Today, a friend, who is not a dobe lover, sent me this to me.  She said that she saw this video, & immediately thought of Bevo & Cher.

    Classic Dober-moves include 

    • Sticking their head under your hand in order to force you to touch them.
    • The "Doberlean".  Poor Al Roker was almost knocked over because he wasn't prepared for the lean.
    • The "Doberwhine".  It's a total attention getting move, & it works every time!


    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh, I'm in love with Fluffy.  That's what my neighbors dog looks like natural ears but short tail.

    I could practically feel what she was doing to Al.  And, he didn't realize how lucky he was!!  I also was eyeing Ann Curry's shoes, but that's off topic!

    Chows are more like, leave me alone and if you want a diaper get it yourself!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Chows are more like, leave me alone and if you want a diaper get it yourself!

    Bevo & Cher would have handled the diaper situation in different ways.

    Bevo would have retrieved the diaper, changed the baby's diaper, disposed of the used diaper, & reorganized the diaper bag, all in hopes that it would have made me happy.

    Cher would have swiped the clean diaper, & ran a victory lap before eating it. Hmm  She's my girl! Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog


    Chows are more like, leave me alone and if you want a diaper get it yourself!



    I don't know, both of my boys have been more "I won't fetch the diaper, but I'll accompany you TO the diaper bag and back and make sure you do it right....and maybe you could scritch me in the meantime" . 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Amanda, you forgot the Doberfarts;-)  Absolutely the only thing about Orca that I don't miss.  Aussies just burp.

    • Gold Top Dog

     LMAO! That was hilarious! Stranger? What's a stranger? I have certainly never met one. Oh, did you want to hold me?


    If he'd been sitting down, I have a feeling he would've had a Doberlapdog. At least a big, possibly drooling head in his lap, LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I can just picture Cher now lol. Though not a Dobe, Ari would love to join in on that fun! I am really really loving dobies and this thread is making it worse lol, since I just don't think a Dobe would be an ideal fit for us. But, the Dobe lean gets me every time. I've never lived with a Dobe but have known many and haven't met one to date that I didn't want to bring home!

    My first experience with a smiling dog was a Doberman lol! I can't imagine how someone whose not dog savvy, doesn't understand the breed would have reacted to that! 'Course the next thing he tried to do was crawl into my lap (I was grooming him and was trying to clip his nails, HE was trying to mooch some loving from me lol...yeah it worked). That same Doberman, I recall, also knew how to open doors, fetch a drink from a refrigerator for his human, brought slippers, and helped with the laundry lol. He was DEFINITELY a dog that needed a job...several really  :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've never lived with a Dobe

    You know, fostering is a short term remedy to that! Wink

    How could I forget about "DoberGas"???  Again, my guys are opposites when it comes to gas.  Bev can make paint peel throughout the house.  Cher, otoh, it too much of a lady to stink it up.  Or, maybe I'm just so used to it that I don't notice anymore!


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    • Gold Top Dog


    If he'd been sitting down, I have a feeling he would've had a Doberlapdog. At least a big, possibly drooling head in his lap, LOL.

    Yep, back leg/hip hitched up onto Al's knee/lap for sure.... with an occassional look backward to request that the scritching continue, please.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hunh, maybe Tasha is part dobe then.  ;)  She nudges her way under your hand.  She leans against you to pet her and she whines for attention ALL THE TIME.

    I have a dobe in my classes right now and if he's left in a crate and his mom leaves the room, he howls.  Pitifully.  It's hysterical!!!

    • Gold Top Dog


    I've never lived with a Dobe

    You know, fostering is a short term remedy to that! 


    I'm actually starting to consider fostering. My job is moving me to a home based operation 4 out of the 5 days out of the week. I'll still be working full time, normal business hours, but would be home all day, which would be great for a foster.....but not so sure the SO would be on board with it.....hmmm I could theoretically help a dobie in need and get a much needed fix at the same time! Ari would love to have company as well. I really don't think she's as happy as she could be, being an only child lol.