Cão de Fila de São Miguel... I'm in love!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Cão de Fila de São Miguel... I'm in love!

    I've never seen this breed of dog before IRL, and I'm wondering if anyone else has known one. I read they are highly wary of strangers and an aggressive breed if not properly trained and handled. That makes me nervous, but they say the same of GSDs, Dobes, etc. True, but any dog can be that wau. I'm in no position to get another dog, I just think they're amazingly beautiful. Look at the ear crop


    Does any other breed get this rounded crop? I've never seen it!

    • Gold Top Dog

     They look like teddy bears! OMG!


    I'd think the major problem would be people throwing themselves at your dog.

    • Puppy
    Hello, The Fila de São Miguel is a great dog, he is used to herd cattle (cows mainly) and therefore is a very courageous and brave dog. It is not a dog for everyone though, you need a firm hand, just like dealing with any other dominant breed. They are an extremely athletic breed and very strong for it's size (medium build). I don't know what else to say.... I'm portuguese so you can ask me whatever you like. If you want the contact of some breeders that can be arranged also.
    • Gold Top Dog

    A lot of these rare, guard breeds are rare for a reason - they aren't entirely well suited for suburban lifestyle because they still retain the true temperament. It sounds like you have a good resource offering help in researching them though.

    I don't know about the rounded crop but PyrSheps get a straight across crop - sort of unusual.  

    • Puppy
    They are rare because the breed needs more divulgation, even in my country they are fairly "rare". There are lots of countries in Europe using them as working dogs because they are extremely versatile, they can be used as a guard dog, a herding dog, a personal protection dog, agility, you name it. The dogs are very wary of strangers and they need a proper socialization since early. I'm planning on getting one myself by the end of this year since i want a dog for canicross and bikejoring and i want to expand the knowledge people have on our breeds. Regards, Adolfo Caldeira Here's a well known Portuguese breeder that has a website in fairly basic english with some grammar problems but you get the point: http://www.azorescattledogs.com/
    • Gold Top Dog

    They are rare because the breed needs more divulgation, even in my country they are fairly "rare". There are lots of countries in Europe using them as working dogs because they are extremely versatile, they can be used as a guard dog, a herding dog, a personal protection dog, agility, you name it. The dogs are very wary of strangers and they need a proper socialization since early. I'm planning on getting one myself by the end of this year since i want a dog for canicross and bikejoring and i want to expand the knowledge people have on our breeds. Regards, Adolfo Caldeira Here's a well known Portuguese breeder that has a website in fairly basic english with some grammar problems but you get the point: http://www.azorescattledogs.com/


     Like I said, some of the rare breeds don't tend to fit into modern suburban life as easily. Not saying they can't be great dogs but probably more than what the average family needs for a pet.

    • Gold Top Dog

    As a trainer, I don't recommend these breeds to pet homes at all.  The reason is that, as AgileGSD has said, they are often more than average families can handle, and when the family isn't prepared to raise a working breed correctly, these dogs can often become aggressive.  These are serious working dogs that are often very territorially defensive, and can pose a significant threat to visitors they don't know.  Because they are cattle dogs, their modus operandi is similar to other cattle dogs - bite when the cow won't move;-)  Even with exceptional socialization, some individuals will be still be very wary of strangers, and dogs sometimes make wrong decisions, so the owner lifestyle is important to consider very, very strongly.