What kind of dog am I?

    • Bronze

    What kind of dog am I?

    So I got this puppy (Riley) from the pound and the most that they could tell me was that he's a terrier mix.  I've taken him to the vet and she says that it's too hard to tell until he gets older.  I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on what he could possibly be. Any suggestions are appreciated!


    I would also like to let you know that the vet estimates he's about 15 weeks old, 20 pounds, and is about 18 inches tall.  He does have big feet but the pictures make them look bigger because a lot of it is fur!





    • Gold Top Dog

    Right now let's just go with Too Stink' Cute!  His expression in the first pic, especially, just melts my heart.  What find you've got!  Seriously, it really would be easier to guess his mix when he's older. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Size-wise my vet has always said that unless the dog is a giant breed (like over 100 pounds full grown), they should be about half their adult weight at 4 months, so your little guy will likely be around 40 lbs. My Kes was 18lbs at 14-16 weeks and he is now 38lbs at 20 months.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Too cute!

    A popular mix that I have seen popping up is a "Border Jack" that is a Border Collie/Jack Russell mix. I saw one a while back that looked almost exactly like your puppy. It had the white paws with white chest and color like a brown border collie but had the wire hair of a wired hair Jack Russell.

    Of course that is one guess of many that this pup could possibly be but just thought I'd toss it out there from some consideration. I would love to see this puppy as it grows.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I knew a sheepdog mix that looked really similar once.

     Whatever he is, that's one cute puppy!

    • Gold Top Dog
    ADORABLE! Just plain adorable :) Now that Xebby mentioned it, I could see border collie in there. 'Border Jack'. Heh.
    • Gold Top Dog

    OMG !!!!  What a cutie pie !!!!


    Deb W.

    • Bronze
    Thanks for the input! He is a cute puppy. I looked at some pictures of border jacks and that could definitely be what he is. He has a super curly tail kind of like some of the border collies I saw. Thanks again!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for the input! He is a cute puppy. I looked at some pictures of border jacks and that could definitely be what he is. He has a super curly tail kind of like some of the border collies I saw. Thanks again!



     He could also be a Poodle mix - Poodles often produce terrier type coats when mixed with other breeds and many have very curly tails when not docked. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd say poodle mix too....

    Way too adorable. I think you should send him my way, so you don't experience cute overload........

    • Gold Top Dog

    what a cutie! maybe some sort of wheaten terrier mix? I could buy poodle too... lots of poodle crosses popping up all over!

    • Gold Top Dog

      He sort of resembles this "Colliedoodle"


    • Gold Top Dog

    Actually, the more I look at him the more he looks like a beagle/poodle cross.... what's it called, a poogle? Beagapoo?