Thinking of adding this guy to our family

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thinking of adding this guy to our family

     Maya is coming up on, if not already 10 years old, which is getting up there for a boxer.  She's been slowing down, but is still in good health.  I've been thinking of getting another younger dog to put more years in her life.  My fiance and I ran into this precious 4 month old puppy at a petsmart adoption event on Friday, and I'm going today to bring him home for a 10 day trail.  What do you think he is?  I think Beagle/Boxer.  His rear end is a light fawn color with light brindling and he has a long skinny tail with a white tip.  He's all legs right now.



    • Gold Top Dog
    Very cute!!! What is he like?
    • Gold Top Dog

    He sure is a cute little guy !!


    Deb W.

    • Gold Top Dog

     At 10 years old, I'm pretty sure a young boxer pup is not her idea of how she'd like to spend her golden years.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't see any beagle...

     just from this picture - I'd guess boxer/pit.

    • Gold Top Dog


     At 10 years old, I'm pretty sure a young boxer pup is not her idea of how she'd like to spend her golden years.

    That totally depends on the dog.  Chyna is 12, & she adores Cher.  She has loved adding an annoying, pushy puppy to our pack.  She plays, wrestles, & corrects Cher, which is much, MUCH more than what she did before Cher's arrival.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Maya is really enjoying having the pup around.  She keeps bothering him to play with her, then they snuggle.  The vet says he looks like a boxer/Shepherd mix.  Let me see if I can get some more pictures.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I hope it works out!  I don't see any shepherd whatsoever though.  People often make that assumption any time there is black on the face.  That can come from a dozen or so breeds, and a pure shepherd does not always have a black muzzle.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Here are some more pictures.  The vet doesn't think he's got any pit in him, definitely boxer though.  He's being an amazingly good puppy.  I haven't seen my dog be this active in the morning for a couple of years now.



    They played bitey face all morning...

    • Gold Top Dog

    He is so cute!  I hope it works out for him to be part of your family!  What are you calling him?