What breed am I?!

    • Bronze

    What breed am I?!

    Hello all!

     I just got my new puppy Sage, and I couldn't be happier with him!

     Sage is a rescue pup, so his origins are unknown.  The pound from which the Rescue took him said that he was "Doberman Boxer Mix", but the Rescue and my vet said that it's more likely he's Doberman Pit Bull.  I'm wondering what your opinions are?

    For me personally, I see Pit Bull in his sweet little face and silly grin, but his nose seems longer than most Pits and his body is slimmer.  I wonder if that's because he's just a pup, or if he's actually a mix.

     What do you guys think?


    Uploading photos onto this forum seems a little problematic, so there are plenty of pictures of Sage in my profile that you can look at.  Thank you!



    • Gold Top Dog

    Welcome to the forum!

    A lot of shelters don't like to label dogs as "pit bulls" because of their reputation and it makes it harder to get them adopted.  It's sad because they really are sweat dogs.He sure has a very lovable face. 


    I might even say all pit bull.  The brindle is a common color in pits but is also common in boxers.  I don't really see any Dobi in him.  Do you know if the tail is natural or docked?  That’s what would make me think there is something else in the mix but if it’s docked then I want to say full pit.  I knew a pit who was such a tail wager that it would hit the walls of the owner’s house so violently it would bleed and the tail had to be amputated.  I’ve also knew a lady who had kids and complained that her pitt’s tail was more dangerous then the teeth when around the kids.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I might even say all pit bull.

     ^^ Agreed.

    He looks like a  very sweet boy!

    • Gold Top Dog

    He is STUNNING!

    I would say all pit. It looks like his tail may have been docked at some point, if I had to guess. Could have been for any number of reason! Pretty boy!

    • Gold Top Dog

    He's gorgeous!

    I don't see dobe at all.  He looks all pittie to me.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I agree with the others, I think he's all pit. He's so adorable! Congrats on your new pup. :) Also fyi if you do have photos on something like tinypic or photobucket, click the little icon on top of this that shows the tree and put the direct link in there. Resize if it's too big. :)

    • Gold Top Dog


    For me personally, I see Pit Bull in his sweet little face and silly grin, but his nose seems longer than most Pits and his body is slimmer.  I wonder if that's because he's just a pup, or if he's actually a mix.

    Sadly most people dont know what an American Pit Bull Terrier is SUPOSED to look like. They're athletic dogs, with a muscular yet very slim build.

    He looks all APBT to me, I dont see any Doberman at all.

    • Gold Top Dog

      Have to agree - he looks like a purebred APBT with a docked tail (have seen that before oddly enough).