Whatcha' think...mix or purebred? (added more pics)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Whatcha' think...mix or purebred? (added more pics)

    My daughter and her boyfriend found this dog at his house a couple weeks ago, and the neighbor has been feeding her, but no one has officially taken her in. My guess was either Basset/Beagle mix or full blooded Basset. My daughter said she is absolutely THE sweetest dog ever and wants to bring her home. My husband lost his job 2 weeks ago, so I don't know how that will work out, but I said I'd send some food over for her if her boyfriend would make the dog some shelter on his back deck. I need some time to think about this, and go meet her. Plus, we have to go away for a few days to visit family over Easter, so the timing is bad....but as long as someone's caring for her in the meantime, I feel better.  She said the dog hangs out on either their back deck or the neighbors.

    She checked her teeth and said her guess is about a year old as the teeth are VERY white and look "new". Eyes and ears look good and her body size is nice, however she does have teats that are enlarged, so she either had puppies not so long ago or may be pregnant now. 

    She was just about to roll over for belly rubs here (notice the tail wagging a thousand miles an hour):

    Bagle2.jpg picture by LisaScheidt

    Bagle.jpg picture by LisaScheidt

    seniorproject097.jpg picture by LisaScheidt

    seniorproject098.jpg picture by LisaScheidt

    seniorproject100.jpg picture by LisaScheidt

    • Gold Top Dog

     Looks like a Bassett hound to me. Very cute baby!

    • Gold Top Dog
    I would say full Basset Hound. I really don't see anything else in that cuttie. I hope all works out, you may try contacting a basset rescue for some help and explain the situation. If she is pregnant then the puppies are going to need homes also. Good luck!
    • Gold Top Dog

     My vote is purebred. Bassetts are a favorite of mine! I also love tri colored dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't know- part of me says pure Basset, but the other part of me sees Dachshund in her head.  I don't see Beagle.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I contacted the basset rescue along with another local rescue and haven't heard from either of them just yet. Hopefully, someone will contact me soon.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm not an expert on any purebred(though I'd love to get a basset some day) but her face looks a bit like a daschund. :-/ Super cute though!

    • Puppy

    I see Dachsund too.

    • Silver

    I'd say full blood Basset, but perhaps not top quality breeding. Good enough to love, however. That's all it takes. I think Basset's are wonderful characters though I wouldn't opt to own one for myself.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I don't know- part of me says pure Basset, but the other part of me sees Dachshund in her head.  I don't see Beagle.

