Breed Suggestions

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breed Suggestions

     Looking for a dog that will be under 30 pounds full grown. Good with kids is a must as this will be my 7 year olds 4-h dog.Grooming isn't really an issue. Would like something not completely stubborn but not a real soft dog either. I am thinking not a terrier either. We will probably adopt but just looking for suggestions

    • Gold Top Dog

     Beagle! Small, but sturdy. Generally a healthy dog. Smart, but somewhat willful. Totally trainable, though, if you motivate them right. Gentle and loving, known for being great with kids.


    On top of all that, they're SOOOOO CUTE! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    CORGI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally trainable, lie goal is to please and the cute factor.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Does it have to be a full breed? I would say just visit the shelter and let the dog pick you. You would be surprised that some dogs just have that connection once you start looking. Talk to a local rescue group and I'm sure they would be happy to help you search for the dog that fits your lifestyle, they will even ask you questions to find the best match. I would even suggest trying as a starting point. Read the descriptions of dogs you might be interested in and it will give you an idea of what the dog is like.
    • Gold Top Dog

    My moms goddaughter is showing her beagle/hound mix in 4H, her family adopted him from their local shelter

    • Gold Top Dog

    Beagle was the first thing that came to my mind, too. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was also thinking there are alot of cute little dogs at the anminal shelter dying to have a home wi some nice young child.

    All dogs do make the best people.

    Chris The poodle daddy



    • Gold Top Dog

    My son did 4H with his Aussie.He did all the training himself and took 2nd at state with her. The first place dog was also an Aussie.If the child's main interest is obedience or agility I would look for a herder or herding mix.Of the kids in our club the dogs that did well with younger kids were Shelties,Aussies,Corgies and Poodles.One of the kids did well with her Beagle in showmanship but obedience was a challengeSmileThere was also a girl with a Pomeranian who did well in all the events.Good luck!


    • Gold Top Dog

    Shelties can be very barky, but are usually non-aggressive, and very easy to house train and train for obedience.  They do better with older children as they aren't as cuddly as some dogs - most of the herders are apt to sit a distance away and watch you, rather than want to be snuggled right up.  If you want snuggly, a hound might be better.  Mini poodles are smart, and aside from the expensive grooming requirements, can do a lot of different activities - they are not foo foo dogs under that hair;-)  I like the Corgis, too.  Easy for kids to keep up with, and not "soft" - they are sturdy enough to herd cattle, and smart.  Any dog, but especially the herders, will need lots of early socialization and environmental enrichment to keep them from making up their own jobs!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Any dog, but especially the herders, will need lots of early socialization and environmental enrichment


    That's the beauty of the 4H dog project.Not only were there training classes twice per week but lots of clinics and demonstrations.Noel was uncomfortable around toddlers and preschoolers when we brought her home but after all the 4H activities she learned to love all kinds of kids.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Beagle is a good choice, Beagles and kids go together like peanut butter and jelly...esp little boys and Beagles might be a Whippet if you want something more elegant (and quieter). Other breeds, harder to find perhaps but suitable...Tibetan Spaniel, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and the Pug. All have their share of health issues so I wouldn't get one from anyone but a REPUTABLE breeder or foster based rescue that is going to be honest with you about the dog's health and history.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks guys for all of your suggestions. We are going to look into adopting but because this will be a 7 year olds dog I am going to have to be extremely picky. We want a young dog so she will have it for a long time. So I am also going to check out breeders. I love Shelties, grew up with them, showed them. Hubby however is not a fan of the barking, not that I blame him,LOL

    I will check out Corgis and beagles and some (herder and hound) mixes.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Miniature poodle.... sturdier than toys, great family dog, smart, willing and eager to please.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree with the Beagle!!