What breed do you think Lucy is?

    • Puppy

    What breed do you think Lucy is?

    Hello, My family and I adopted Lucy from the SPCA. They said she was a Shepherd Mix, but she is now full grown and is not big. Personally I think she is a Corgi/Beagle. So.. What do you think? Thanks! ~Emma P.S: Here is a link to the picture, I dont know how to attach it to the message. Link: http://forum.dog.com/members/ilovelucy_3C00_3/photos/default.aspx
    • Gold Top Dog

    Go to where the picture is (the URL you gave) and then click on the link name -- THEN click on "view sizes".  Pick which one you want to show and get it up on your screen -- Copy the URL of THAT picture.

    Then when you open a window to post, there's an icon above the window that looks like a tree (yep, a green tree LOL) -- in the window that comes up, put the URL in the top long white box and click "insert" at the bottom.  That's all there is to it.

    Now -- Lucy is quite a gal!!  It's hard to tell without her standing up -- how big is she??  How much does she weigh?  Tail??

    From the face my guess would be something like golden + shepherd? or maybe lab + shepherd (hard to tell without body conformation)

    You have GOT to teach her to lie down and cover her eyes with her paws when you say "Lucyyyy, YOU got some 'splainin to do!!"

     *smile* -- sue me, I'm from Jamestown, NY .. home OF Lucille Ball.  I gotta get in a good Lucy joke when I can!

    She's a sweet gal!

    • Puppy
    I will take a picture of her full body. But she weighs 21 pounds. And is the size of a full grown corgi. Nice Trick! Thanks for your ideas!
    • Gold Top Dog

     This is my full grown corgi:


    • Puppy
    Lucy is about that size! I still think that she is a Corgi/Something. I will also say... She is very well behaved but does bark... like a beagle.
    • Gold Top Dog

      Like others have said - hard to tell without a full body shot. Is she dwarfy (short legs, long body)? One of my 4Hers had a dog that looked similar in what you can see - not dwarfy but medium sized. Her mother was part beagle but a mix and the father was also a mix but not sure of what.