Question about Doxie colors...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Question about Doxie colors...

    (Hi everybody!)

    Ok, here's my question...I used to have a "Doxie/Beagle mix", but looking at pics of Doxies and then of Dixie Beagle mixes, I think she was all(or mostly) Doxie. I can't find a pic of her, but I'm trying. She was piebald for sure, but her color was like a beagle, and I cannot find a pic of a Doxie with color like hers. So, my question is, could she have been pure Doxie? She was the size of a mini, and all the beagle/doxies I've seen have had waaaaaaaay more leg then she did. She had those short, stuby Doxie legs, everything was Doxie about her. Except her color, which looked like This Guy sort of...I'm still looking for a pic of her, but without contacting my real father and asking, which would mean I'd have to be nice to him, and I don't like doing that. Anyway! So do/can Doxies come in that Beagle-y tri-color? Thanks guys!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    yes I would assume they can since they carry black and tan and also he spotting gene responsible for Irish markings. You can see those a lot on the merles. And of course the piebald gene is in there. Tricolor is a hound color for sure and even sighthounds can be found with tricolor markings so I would give it a yes...if the genetics were right. But if the dog was a mix of a Dachs to Beagle anything would be possible.

    Beagles carry a dwarfism gene, being a dwarf of the Foxhound, and if just the right combo happened then short legged would not be a big surprise.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks! I wish I could find a pic of her! She was such a good, cute dog! When I had my horse, I'd put her up in the saddle with me or on my horses rump, she'd ride for an hour or more that way! IDK why, but I've really started missing her lately, she would be about7 now I think, if my father still has her...

    • Gold Top Dog

    My mother in law has a standard piebald dachsund that is colored exactly like that dog... she gets called a beagle mix all the time by people who don't know any better.... but she's not, she's a purebred, registered dachsund. MIL owned both of her parents, one was a black and tan and the other was a red and white piebald.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Dead thread, I know! But I FINALLY found pics of Doxies that resemble Lucky. YAY! I'm almost 100% sold on the idea that she was pure mini dachshund now!
    ^smooth coated, like Lucky was
    ^wire haired, and just positively ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!! :-)

    Ok, so once again, my choice breed changes, as always a BC is #1 on the list, but until life gives me land and a herd for it to well, herd, then my #2 pick is a Mini Doxie, piebald is preferred :-) plus they fit into most of apartments rules here, another plus!
    • Gold Top Dog

    There is some controversy over piebald dachshunds.  (I don't have a problem with them) For those who are interested, this page shows a piebald who did well at Westminster as well as several champions who carry that coat color: