What is Lucky?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What is Lucky?

    This is Mia's best friend.  He's owned by a friend of mine and we see him almost every day at the park.

    Some background:  He was adopted from the local animal shelter as a puppy and was labelled a border collie mix.  Also, he's HUGE.  I'm not sure how much he weighs but he is substantially bigger than the labs that go to the park.  He is well past my knee in height.  His coat is very thick.  

    He is also the calmest, most bombproof dog I've ever met.  If I could pick a word to describe him, it would be steadfast.  He is very good around dogs, kids, and people.  With strangers he tends to ignore them, same with strange dogs.  When he gets to know you, he's a very quiet kind of affectionate.  He loves squirrels and will sit under a tree with a squirrel in it and just stare at it intently for hours if you'd let him.  Just all in all a good old boy and an old soul.

    And yes, he's FABULOUS with Mia, lol.  She walks under him and kisses all over him and he just lets her.  When Mia thought she was going to be attacked by a loose golden, Lucky jumped up and stood in between her and the charging dog.   He let out a few barks and deterred the other dog.  He's very protective of his papillon pals, lol.  He's a very very good boy.

    I don't have any shots of him standing because it was so hot today he didn't want to do much except lay in the shade lol.

    He looks smaller here than he is (or Mia looks huge in this pic)





    Proof of his calmness- Summer was literally spazzing over a treat in front of him and he just laid there.


    He's always intrigued me.  Obviously there's some sort of a herder in there.  When I saw his pics first I thought border collie.  When I met him my immediate thought was farm collie.  Sometimes I even see Aussie too.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Nope - he's just a huge blowed up pap!!!  *grin* -- I mean, the COLORS MATCH SO WELL!!!

    I see collie (not border -- just plain old collie) -- and probably "farm dog mix" -- something stocky -- but when you say 'big'  you mean big like a golden not a Great Pyr?  I'd bet something fluffy ... altho maybe not all herder if this dog is SO laid back.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see collie too.  In the 19th century, he would have been an all-purpose farm dog. There were literally thousands of dogs like him, a mix of herding breeds that took care of bringing the cows home, keeping door to door salesmen away and herding kids. What a handsome young man!

    • Gold Top Dog

      He looks like an English Shepherd or "Farm Collie". I too wonder how big is big. Could be that he has some livestock guardian breed in him too.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm not sure how big he is. I'm such a terrible judge of size once they're past about 50 lbs. He's definitely bigger than most labs and goldens I've seen (unless they're of the BYB huge variety). I would say he's at LEAST 80 lbs. BCs, Aussies, Rough collies, pretty much any kind of farm dog is popular here. The most popular stock guardian here is great pyrs. When I was little we had a similar kind of collie dog. Could never decide exactly what kind of collie he was either. He and Mia do have the same face markings, don't they? lol
    • Gold Top Dog

    I see collie maybe?

    maybe collie/golden retriever?

    • Gold Top Dog

    You'd be suprised how much "weight" hair adds. I bet he isn't over 60-70lbs by much. I agree with MUCH, Rough Collie and since he might be a farm bred dog...perhaps even a dash of ACD (lookit that ticking/mottling on the legs) and a s'kosh of Pyr.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks like a white version of Coke! (who's mom, a shelter dog, actually looked VERY much like Lucky, just a bit more white).  Coke's fur does add a lot of weight in looks, people guess him over 80lbs and he weighs under 65 but is taller and bigger looking than my GSDs.

    • Gold Top Dog

     There are spaniels in the border collie's past, so many purebred BC's have ticking on their legs.  I would agree with farm collie. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hair makes a dog look bigger, weight wise. This is my parents lab/rottie mix, K.C. For a weight comparison she between 75-80 lbs.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Yeah I am really bad a judging weight tbh.  He looks very large though, but he's a hairy beast.  I could easily buy english shepherd/farm collie or aussie easily.  Here's some new pics from today:

    This is his 'crazy eyes'.  Lol He sees a squirrel.  He gets very very intense when he sees squirrels. 

    Is that not the funniest face?

    Here he is standing:

    • Bronze

    I can see border collie in him, maybe some spaniel as well for that coat!

    • Gold Top Dog

    HAH! Just saw Luckys squirrel face and Lmao. He looks like a herding type definitly, probably what collies looked like before the show ring ruined them. Besides his size, because he is large makes me think great pyrns might be in there somewheres. Whatever is in there he sure does look beautiful.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is he overweight? or older?  He looks overweight in that last pic of the side of him. His hind end is very straight and the bulge over his hips makes him look a little chubby compared to his legs.

    I still say farm collie. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    My first thought was Rough Collie and ACD but not really BC or a Spaniel breed. I say that because the feathering on the legs isn’t that strong and he’s a little boxier then what I would expect from a BC or Spaniel even with his coat.  ACDs also have a curly tail when they are not docked so I can see the Collie tail mixed with an ACD tale.


    Whatever he may be, he's one really good looking dog!  Thanks for shairing the pics.