RWbeagles..... has adorable beagles.

    • Gold Top Dog

    RWbeagles..... has adorable beagles.

    I just wanted to thank you for putting such cute pics of your pups in your sig.

    My grandpa used to raise beagles when I was a child and I have so many fond memories of those days. As we near the one year anniversary of his passing, I find myself thinking back on those good times when he was so active and happy and thinking about the care he took of his dogs and the pride he had in them.

    He favored blue ticks but on occasion would take in other varieties. And all of his females were called Queen, the males Rock.... I remember asking him once, as he was feeding them, what each one's name was... it was a fun afternoon.... "Queen, Rock... that one's Queenie... Rocko... Rocky.....Queener.... Queen Bee... Rocket.... " I knew he was making up the names as he went, it was so funny. He was a great man, but not very original.  LOL.

    Anyway, seeing your pups always makes me think of him. Thanks again.

    • Gold Top Dog

    lol@ the naming thing!

    Beagles are breed that it seems, everyone had, knew, or owned at some point in their lives. It's really cool because random people come up and pet my hounds and tell me about a dim memory of a hound that touched their life at some point. Often it's in the real distant past, and often it is a really sweet or funny story.

    Hunters may disagree but these merry little hounds were obviously put here for more than just hunting, they make people smile, and remember.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Beagles are breed that it seems, everyone had, knew, or owned at some point in their lives. It's really cool because random people come up and pet my hounds and tell me about a dim memory of a hound that touched their life at some point. Often it's in the real distant past, and often it is a really sweet or funny story.

    The first dog my brother owned was a beagle and though I was four years younger and not included very often in their adventures together, I know how much that dog meant to my brother.  I can't remember his name (the dog, not my bro) to save my soul but I'm sure it will come to me after I post this. lol   Distant past.....

    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog
    Aww beagle stores, well here's mine... My cousin and his wife had a beagle named Griffy and he was just the coolest dog ever. I loved the way he would sing! I would go to visit them just to see him. Griffy moved with them from NM to CA and then back to NM. He lived a good life but his big nose took him to a busy street and ended his life way too early, even though he was already 10. That's when my cousin and his wife decided they wanted to have a baby. Now they have a son but could not live without a beagle. They have little beagle mix named Lucy but nothing could ever replace the memories of Griffy. Yep, distant past...
    • Gold Top Dog

    Five or six years ago, we bought my MIL a beagle puppy for Mother's day. As Buttercup grew into an older puppy/adult, she'd be out in the back yard, tracking something and would let out a beagle bay and I loved it! The neighbors weren't too amused but I loved it.

    But you know, Buttercup is extremely lazy. LOL. I don't ever remember my grandpa's beagles being that lazy.... of course he never allowed his in to be comfy on the couch or snuggle with him in his bed when it got cold. LOL.

    I've witnessed Buttercup try to jump up on MIL's bed and then just flop over in the floor, belly up, waiting for someone to pick her up and put her up there. They're such comical dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was told this should have been sent as a PM but I LOVE hearing everyone's beagle stories! Or any past dog history/memory stories......  I knew other's would have some interesting stories to share.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     I was on a gun dog forum and a question was asked about bird hunting with nontradional breeds.  These are men and women who take their pointing dogs very seriously.  One man replied that he had hunted pheasants over beagles.  It worked, once you got used to the dogs baying when they were on a trail.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    I was told this should have been sent as a PM but I LOVE hearing everyone's beagle stories!

    Yep - Karen's right, you violated rule #9:

    9.)     Refrain from posting threads such as "Hey Doglover1234”: if you need to speak to someone or show them something, private message or email them.

    Want to go back and change the title of this thread?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Happy now?

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog


    Happy now?

    Nope... this belongs in Breeds.  LOL!!!

    Moving it now....

    • Gold Top Dog

      My Beagle story...

     When I was 11, I was allowed to have a dog of my own but my parents wanted a smaller dog. We already had an IS. I wanted a puppy from the neighbors dog's litter which was their Chi x Doxie bred to everything in the neighborhood, though I think most of the puppies were sired by the toy poodle across the street. My mother objected to having a toy sized dog (my dad thought it was a great idea LOL). So during Christmas break, we went to the dog pound and there was a litter of puppies and a single puppy. The litter looked like Golden mixes and the single puppy was tricolored with short hair. The card said he was a beagle mix. The dog warden guessed he'd get to be "maybe 35lbs". My mom was thrilled - she had a beagle growing up. I thought he seemed like a nice puppy, so we took him home.

     He grew from this beagle mix puppy:


     To this 85lb dog...


    • Gold Top Dog

    lmbo@ Agile's story!!


    typical! anything tricolored and small when you look at a "Beagle Mix" teehee!!

    • Gold Top Dog



    Happy now?

    Nope... this belongs in Breeds.  LOL!!!

    Moving it now....

    Good. LOL. So are we all happy now? LOL

    Never intended to be in violation.

    • Gold Top Dog

    You guys know that every dog in the pound is either a chihuahua mix, a beagle mix, a lab mix or a german shepherd mix.......unless it has long hair then it's a chow mix.
