Anyone have a havanese?

    • Silver

    Anyone have a havanese?

    We are getting a 12 wks old puppy on Sept 4 and not many people have seen much less heard of one before. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Are you set on the name Cujo? Maybe when he/she actually arrives you'll pick something different. No clue about the breed, but what a cute pup.

    • Gold Top Dog

    A friend of mine has one.  His name is Apollo. I call him Palo the cabana boy.  I don't know why but it fits him.  :D  He's a wonderful, yet sensitive boy.

    • Silver

    My hubby who was resistant to getting a dog at first, got to choose the name.  It is growing on me, lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've met a couple and both were very well behaved dogs.  One was actually at an airport in the Bahamas when I was sitting next to his owners waiting for our flight out.  The other came into the vet clinic I use to work at.  I just love their coat but I would recommend finding a groomer right away.  Getting your pup started young is important, especially clipping the nails. 

    I would recommend taking your pup to a vet as soon as you can.  Make a list of questions and take that with you, the vet can really direct you in the proper care and needs.  I would also recommend puppy classes, great for socializing your puppy.  Good luck and if you have any problems/questions/concerns just ask away, there are many knowledgeable dog people here ready to guide you.
    • Gold Top Dog

     I adore them:) I don't have anything coated, right now, but I do groom a couple. Get yourself a NICE pin brush, and a quality comb or two, to get started with. You'll need to be doing daily grooming from the day your pup comes home, if you like any length on the coat. They're lovely dogs, but not remotely low maintenance.