Boxer x ???

    • Gold Top Dog

    Boxer x ???

    The shelter called this guy a boxer x shepherd.  He's about 7 months old now.  His boxer influence is pretty strong, but what else do you think is in there?  His coat is too long for a boxer's and is longest along the shoulders and neck (~1-1.5";).




    • Gold Top Dog

    I have no clue, but he's really, really cute.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Aw what a cutie! He looks a little like my boy. Maybe Boxer x APBT mix of some sort? I could see why they'd say shepherd though.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm not really seeing any pit, particularly in the shape of the head and in the way it's elongated and finer featured. His jaw is pretty rectangular (especially when viewed from the bottom), just like my boxer girl (whose nose is too long for a proper boxer).  The vet said maybe Australian Shepherd based on what's common in the area.  He had to have gotten those precious spots from somewhere Smile  Those are all the guesses from around here.  I was even tempted to get one of those breed DNA things, but I know how wildly inaccurate they are.  He's a great dog and I was really lucky to run into him and be suckered by his pleading eyes.  My older girl is acting like she was 5 years ago. I can enjoy having a new pup to train, do some more physically demanding activities with me, and keep me on my toes.

    • Gold Top Dog

     That is true, I'm honestly not sure I'm not very good at guessing breeds to be honest. I love his coloring though! And honestly, don't waste your time or money on those test.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see no GSD or "shepherd" at all. I really don't get why any dog with a brownish coat and halfprick ears  gets labeled a "shepherd mix".

    I can see possibly some APBT, especially in his head. Altho, it could be just a "boxer mix" head making it look more APBTish.

    • Gold Top Dog

    If the dog was half shepherd it would have way more shepherd characteristics.  I don't see a single thing about that dog that would make me think it was part shepherd.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Dunno, any gsd or aussie mixes I've seem have been way more "aussie-ish" or "gsd-ish", like those genes are more dominant...?  i think the spotting on the legs is a clue, but I've drawn a blank :-/  hes very cute tho!

    • Gold Top Dog
    I saw boxer as soon as I saw that first pic, but as for the mix...? He could even be a very poorly bred boxer, meaning he was bread as a boxer but is far from the standers of the breed. I've seen many people who have bought what they were told was a pure-bred puppy from a BYB or pet store who's looks are a bit off.

    I would save your money from getting a DNA test. I did a DNA blood test for Gizmo and well...blah. You get better results from a vet's guess then anything on the market now.
    Take at look at this thread with Gizmo's results:
    • Gold Top Dog

     Just thought I'd add that his right ear will stand up occasionally.  It's really cute.  So what breeds that display the ticking could be here, pointer maybe?  I had given thought to badly bred pure boxer (like my other dog) but his coat is too long and as far as I know there is no gene for ticking present in boxers...


    Sorry for the double pictures, I don't know what went wrong there.

    • Gold Top Dog


     Just thought I'd add that his right ear will stand up occasionally.  It's really cute.  So what breeds that display the ticking could be here, pointer maybe?  I had given thought to badly bred pure boxer (like my other dog) but his coat is too long and as far as I know there is no gene for ticking present in boxers...


    Sorry for the double pictures, I don't know what went wrong there.

    APBTs can have ticking. But, APBTs have very shorthair on their whole body's. So the long hair obviously has to be coming from somewhere.

    A lot of herders & bird dogs have ticking, & that may explain the long hair on his neck/back (looks like he has somewhat longer hair on his tail, too?)

    • Gold Top Dog
    I've been thinking some kind of setter or pointer, that would contribute slightly longer hair and spotty legs?
    • Gold Top Dog

    APBTs can have ticking. But, APBTs have very shorthair on their whole body's. So the long hair obviously has to be coming from somewhere.

    A lot of herders & bird dogs have ticking, & that may explain the long hair on his neck/back (looks like he has somewhat longer hair on his tail, too?)



    You're right, the hair on his tail is longer too.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Tootsie, my corgi has spotted legs.

    • Gold Top Dog

      I believe Boxers can also have ticking on their legs. He could be half Boxer and half mixed breed. Mixed breed dogs are more commonly the result of two mixed breed or a mixed breed and a purebred parent than of two purebred parents (unless it's on purpose, then they aren't mixed breed, they're "designers" ;)).