Wow, did you know German Shepherds...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow, did you know German Shepherds...

    are "known for wagging their tails, right before they bite"?


    Someone decided to enlighten me with this. Believe it or not, this is NOT the first person who has said that EXACT phrase to me! Do they think it's clever?


    Some humans are known for appearing pretty smart, until they open their mouths. :p


    My favorite ridiculous breed stereotype is that Doberman's brains get too big for their skulls, causing them to turn and kil their handlers... but this one is pretty good too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    That's probably coming from someone who doesn't know the difference in a happy, loose, friendly wag, and a swishy, twitchy, nervous wag. 



    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm told Aussies are car chasers.None of the Aussies I know would peel themselves away from their owners to bother with a car.Ive had my car chased by a lab, a husky and various mutts but never a herder.
    • Gold Top Dog

    thats ok..when my GSD was a puppy I had a man tell me "You know shes going to have hip problems in a few years?" to which i replied that she most likely shouldnt since her parents as well as several generations back of her grandparents had had their hips xrayed and certified.. he pretty much ignored my comment and went on to say that "all german shepherds have bad hips when they grow up"

    • Gold Top Dog

    Just for the record, a tail wag, coupled with other signals, can indicate aggression.  A tail wag isn't always friendly. :)  

    I completely agree that breed stereotyping is ignorant and many breeds suffer because of it.  JRT's get a bad rap, IMO because people who know nothing of the breed get them and create little monsters.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Very true that a wagging tail, along with stiffness, staring eyes, ears forward and possible hackles raised can be aggressive behavior. T-Bone was just dopey, happy waggin' though. It is a little alarming that people (a la Youtube) can think a dog who is clearly angry is friendly, just because of a aggitated wag.


    JRTs do have a bad rap! My grandparents always had and stil have JRTs, and they're good little dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My favorite ridiculous breed stereotype is that Doberman's brains get too big for their skulls, causing them to turn and kil their handlers...

    I'm almost afraid to go to sleep every night because of this "fact."  I can't tell you how scary it is to go to sleep at night knowing that, tonight might be the night that Bev & Cher's brains grow too big for their skulls, & they kill me.  Confused

    I hear that myth at least twice a week. 

    I also hear that all dachshunds are mean, & that they are impossible to house train. 

    Boxers are, of course, always "hyper" & dumb.


    • Gold Top Dog

    My favorite ridiculous breed stereotype is that Doberman's brains get too big for their skulls, causing them to turn and kil their handlers...

    I'm almost afraid to go to sleep every night because of this "fact."  I can't tell you how scary it is to go to sleep at night knowing that, tonight might be the night that Bev & Cher's brains grow too big for their skulls, & they kill me.  Confused

    I hear that myth at least twice a week. 

    I also hear that all dachshunds are mean, & that they are impossible to house train. 

    Boxers are, of course, always "hyper" & dumb.


    So glad to have these all confirmed for me. Stick out tongue

    I've even seen dogs misread the tail wagging tip. When Crusher is agitated, his tail goes way up high, over his back and slowly wafts back and forth. All other signals are go, and we'll still get idiot people with undersocialized dogs coming up and getting in his face/butt/general space. At least I can distract him now, but last year this time, we had some pretty close calls.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I had a vet tell me that Heidi was doomed to be dysplastic because her back end is extremely curved.  Confused  I don't think she ever saw a GSD that wasn't American bred.  This was the same lady that told me that I may be banned from her veterniary practice if I didn't get my 6 month old puppy to be quiet. 6 month old puppy was getting bored after having waited 1 hour in your lobby.  Angry

    Needless today, I never went back.

    • Gold Top Dog


    This was the same lady that told me that I may be banned from her veterinary practice if I didn't get my 6 month old puppy to be quiet. 6 month old puppy was getting bored after having waited 1 hour in your lobby.  Angry

    Needless today, I never went back.

    Boy am I lucky, I have an in your face, cautioned when handled, would not keep my dog overnight after his neuter dog and our vet office welcomes us back every time, 2 of the vets love his devotion to me and totally ignore his shenanigans and will go out of their way to make sure he is taken care of quickly. In fact the turkey behaves like a perfect gentleman with both ladies when I am not in the room, they even worked with me on cue words so that he could be examined.


    • Gold Top Dog
    Weirdly, it was a GSD that tUght me that wagging tail does NOT = friendly dog... But it applies to any breed, not just GSDs.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Right up there with how aggressive Rhodesian Ridgebacks are , surely you can see their constantly raised Hair???  Or the other side, That RRs are really defectfive Vizlas with Spinal Bifida with that huge scar on their backs, they are being passed off as a designer breed because they are so much bigger than the normal Viz......sigh.... and most of these folks drive cars and have kids.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bonita of Bwana
    That RRs are really defectfive Vizlas with Spinal Bifida with that huge scar on their backs,

    And, we have a winner.  People.  Indifferent

    • Gold Top Dog
    Dog stereotypes annoy me. I have know so many GSDs, Goldens, Labs and other typical "family dogs" who were untrained and surrendered to the shelter because the family thought they would get a smart puppy who they had to do nothing with and it would turn into the perfect family pet. Just because you bought the breed doesn't mean it's automatically going to be genetically trained to act like that service dog you saw the other day! I also hear all the time "I bought this dog to hunt, but he's worthless"... Umm yeah, what type of training have you done with the dog and how did you find the breeder?
    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm told Aussies are car chasers.None of the Aussies I know would peel themselves away from their owners to bother with a car.Ive had my car chased by a lab, a husky and various mutts but never a herder.


    Well, they do like a moving target, but you would have to be pretty comatose to have them lose interest in you to go off and chase a car.  Owners who make even the least effort to engage an Aussie... well, there's a saying, "I asked God to send me a true friend.  He sent me an Australian Shepherd."