Wow, did you know German Shepherds...

    • Gold Top Dog



    This was the same lady that told me that I may be banned from her veterinary practice if I didn't get my 6 month old puppy to be quiet. 6 month old puppy was getting bored after having waited 1 hour in your lobby.  Angry

    Needless today, I never went back.

    Boy am I lucky, I have an in your face, cautioned when handled, would not keep my dog overnight after his neuter dog and our vet office welcomes us back every time, 2 of the vets love his devotion to me and totally ignore his shenanigans and will go out of their way to make sure he is taken care of quickly. In fact the turkey behaves like a perfect gentleman with both ladies when I am not in the room, they even worked with me on cue words so that he could be examined.



    Heck, Sequoyah goes to the vet muzzled, but they all just laugh at her and call her "Hannibal Lektur" - of course, she is still a very obedient dog, but they'd love her anyway.  As a result of their staff's good handling knowledge, she now can be patted by the techs and vets she knows, and she doesn't do a darn thing but wiggle.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The RR/surgical scar thing got me. I almost shot Coke out of my nose!


    A big group hug for everyone, having to deal with complete insanity. LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    The RR/surgical scar thing got me. I almost shot Coke out of my nose!



    I was always told the Dobe thing when we had a dobe and how mean Rottie's only thing agressive about our rottie's were;

    Leaning so much as to knock you off balance while getting skritches

    Laying in the middle of the floor in the dark so you can trip over them

    Drooling on you heavily especially when weiners are in the picture

    • Gold Top Dog


    Just for the record, a tail wag, coupled with other signals, can indicate aggression.  A tail wag isn't always friendly. :)  


    True that.  You should see our GSDs' tails wagging during bitework, but it's a very different wag.  You can "read" a lot from the dog based on how the tail is being held and how it's being wagged in each phase of the work.


    I always laugh when I think back to when the vet first saw Nikon and said he would be huge, over 100lbs because of his paws.  1) his paws were not even that big and 2) his last official weight (at 2 years old) was 66lbs.

    I've heard so many know-it-all comments about my GSDs...

    • a "level back" means better hips
    • a limp means hip dysplasia
    • a crooked sit means the dog needs knee surgery
    • black spots on the tongue mean the dog is not pure and part Chow
    • white spots on the feet at birth mean the dog will turn out more red
    • Gold Top Dog
    LOL, I hear the paw size thing all the time. In that case chow puppies should grow to be 5 ft tall because many have some of the fuzziest largest paws I've ever seen on a puppy.

    First vet I ever took Gizmo to told me she was a Chihuahua puppy when she was 6 weeks old because she was very tiny for a puppy... Her breed analysis test says she's part Irish Wolfhound. Yeah, so based on data I've collected from "professionals", I can say I have a Chihuahua/wolfhound mix LOL.
    • Gold Top Dog

     Apparently Chihuahuas are yappy and snappy ankle bitters. Daisy is one of the most easy going, laid back dogs I've ever owned. She's NEVER bit a human. She's nom noms hands during play, but she has never bite, snapped or even growled at a person in the 2 years I've had her. Daisy will bark when she hears the doorbell or noises outside, I've give them that, but she's far from the stereotypical Chihuahua.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's amazing some of the steryotypes about breeds that are out there. It makes me crazy.

    These are some that I've heard:

    -APBTs have locking jaws 

    -APBTs are known to just "snap" (Dogs 101!)

    -Any dog with black/purple on their tounge is part Chow

    - Doberman's brains outgrow their skull, causing them to "snap" (heard from a "dog trainer"....Confused)

    - A GSD with 1 (or 2) ears that don't fully stand straight up, are not purebred

    -Rotties with tails are not purebred

    -Any dog with one or two blue eyes, is part Siberian Husky

    -A "Min Pin" it really a runt Doberman puppy, not a real breed

    -A Rottweiler is not a breed, they are just overweight Dobermans (this one shocked me when the person said it, I have never heard this one before)

    • Gold Top Dog

     People really are stupid. Yes there's a certain tail wag and posture a dog has when it's becoming annoyed/aggressive but c'mon now. *Rolls eyes*


    Also to what Spazzy said: "-Any dog with one or two blue eyes, is part Siberian Husky"


    Ugh I swear everyone thinks Simba is part Husky because of his blue eyes.