Need help picking between these 2 breeds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't have this breed but I think I can add that regardless of where you get the dog consider what you will do if this dog turns out to be worse case scenario or close to it. 

    I'm NOT saying this to discourage you or put down the breed.  I have a chow, I love her and the breed.  But, I've had to make MANY provisions and changes to my life to accomodate her temperment issues. I've got that dog that people look at and say, "oh, well she's a chow'".  You know dogs like her are the reason the breed has the rep it does.

    I don't have children so that made things easier. But, consider this if you are planning a family.  Do you like to travel?  I cannot leave my dog with anyone.  Do you like to take your dog to family events?  Consider all of this because I rescued my dog not really considering any of this.  And, we were fortunate that we could adjust.  Also, the extensive work on training and building trust, etc.  It was a heck of a lot in the beginning.  

    Oh, I know what you are thinking, if he's that bad I'll have to give him up.  Right, I tried that twice and couldn't go thru with it.  It's very tough once you are commited to just let go.  I'm not saying all this to make this about me, I'm just trying to get you to see the though process.

    Again, I'm not trying to be discouraging but this IS a breed that isn't for everyone. 

    (And,I don't have to own one to know that.)

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't see how anyone would be living in a "fantasy" world. Have you personally worked a Corso?

    Rene, she was referring to some breeders who paint the rose-colored view of their breed of choice without being honest about the downsides.  Looks like you mistakenly took that as a reference to you, personally.  Not what she was saying.