What do you think Chief is mixed with? (Georgie)

    • Gold Top Dog

    What do you think Chief is mixed with? (Georgie)

    He has beautiful blue eyes, he is mostly black, but he does have some brown on the sides of his face, along his legs and the underside of his tail.  He also has a white stripe down his nose.  I think he has a very houndy bark, but I don't see hound in him, besides his bark and his stubbornness.  Although I was thinking he has husky in him and I think that could account for the stubbornness too, right?

    Here you can see his colors pretty well:

    Here is more of his face:


    I just thought this one was funny:

    And his body, he is chewing something and looking weird, but you get the idea:

    So, what do you all think?


    • Gold Top Dog

    I see quite a bit of Dobe, I see some GSD, and I see some BC...probably even more than that in there tho. But that schnozz seems Dobe-ish to me...the rose/semi pri*ck ear could be from the GSD crossing with a drop ear (dobe) or the BC. The eyes can come from the BC but really any breed could have blue eyes...even Beagles get that sometimes. If his tail were docked it is set really high...rather Dobeish too...left on dobe tails can do many strange things LOL!

    My Guess will be Dobe/GSD/BC and perhaps a smidge of husky....if it's there, only a smidge.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I say doberman/huskey mix.   He is beautiful!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Every known GSD mix I've met has taken on WAY more GSD characteristics, so I vote no GSD or very little (1/4 or less).  Otherwise, I'm not sure since that's really the only breed I know well.  He looks kind of lurcher-ish but that's a type not a breed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ...Although I was thinking he has husky in him and I think that could account for the stubbornness too, right?...

    Yeah, Husky would explain the stubborness.  Honestly, the first thing that popped into my mind is that he reminds me an Alaskan Husky, but with less coat.  I think the Dobe/Husky guesses were pretty good ones.