Please help me identify my dog's breed (she is mixed)

    • Bronze

    Please help me identify my dog's breed (she is mixed)

    Hi all.
    my puppy (Soofia) is 3 months old. and she is a gift from my friend.
    in her ID Paper is written that her breed is Mixed Terrier. but i think it's wrong.
    here is some pictures of Soofia. can anyone tell me what is her breed ?

    farshidal from brazil









    • Gold Top Dog

    She's very cute!

     Doesn't look like a terrier though. It is hard to tell with such young puppies because they can drastically change in just a few months.

    • Bronze

     Thank you Aglie.

    Someone tells me that she may be a mix of jack russell and shitzu. Any idea ?


    • Gold Top Dog



     Thank you Aglie.

    Someone tells me that she may be a mix of jack russell and shitzu. Any idea ?



     I guess that a possibility. Keep posting pictures are she grows :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    She's awful young to really be throwing out any great guesses... but from the pics right now, I'm seeing maybe some Chihuahua in that head, but then she's large for that.....

    Keep posting pics as she grows, and try to get some of her standing if possible.

    She's super cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is adorable, no guess from me.  Enjoy her puppyhood!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Maybe Pomeranian/Chi? She's 100% cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

     She's so fluffy! I see some Pomeranian in her myself. As the others have said its hard to tell at such a young age.