Can anyone help me ID my puppy girl's lineage?

    • Bronze

    Can anyone help me ID my puppy girl's lineage?

    Hi everyone, I'm Justin and my puppy's name is Sasha. I got her from a pound in Kansas when she was 6 weeks old. Well, shes almost 4 y/o now, and she's been the perfect dog!  Since she's a pound puppy I don't really know what breeds she has in her, but I am really curious to see if I can narrow it down.  Thats where I ask everyone who reads this for an opinion!

    A little bit about her: she's 45 lbs, lean build, loves to run (what dog doesnt?), and is pretty smart.  Training her was a breeze compared to my wife's mini American Eskimo (he was stubborn).  She's also long haired, sheds a lot both before and after Winter, is generally passive,
    and I think has a herding instinct...she tends to snip the backs of other dogs legs if they don't all walk in the same direction, but I've
    only noticed it indoors with new/unfamiliar dogs. Lastly, she has black spots on her tongue. I heard somewhere that comes from certain breeds but I'm not sure if thats true or not. Again, I'll leave it to you folks who almost certainly know better than I.

    I've got 3 pics of her around 3mo old and 3 pics of her between 2 and 4 y/o on my profile. I'm totally uneducated in terms of dog breeds, so take this worth a grain of salt!  but I've thought she might be Australian Sheperd or Border Collie from her ears, hair, and face mixed w/ German Sheperd for her colors...but I don't really have much of a clue so please let me know what ya'll think!  I do have more pics of her that I can upload if needed. Thanks for any help or insight!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am not a good guesser but I can tell you that she is beautiful! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have no clue...but I can tell you that she is adorable and has a very sweet happy face!  Nuff said.  Stick out tongue

    Welcome to the forum!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I would say some Aussie perhaps but not sure what else. She looks very much like my Kota, but he's only about 23 pounds and is also a pound puppy.  There are tri-colored Australian shepherds, so it's possible that is what most of her is but who knows. She's adorable though!  The pic of her on the couch so reminds me of my Kota.

    • Bronze

    Thanks all for the compliments & insights, I'll be sure to tell her people think she's pretty next time I see her, hehe.  I'm in Afg for the next few months yet so I am going through puppy withdrawals (among other kinds!) Kota and her do have similar colors and facial features though!  My wife and I both grew up with German Sheperds & Huskies so we were a bit tepid about getting 'smaller' sized dogs, but we've been very happy with our 'kids'

    • Gold Top Dog

    ...She looks very much like my Kota...

    I thought she was Kota when I first saw the avatar.  I thought I was opening a really old post.  LOL

    Your girl is a beauty!  My guess would be Australian Shepherd mix, too.  I don't know why, but I'm thinking maybe with Golden Retriever.  

    Off topic-  I was going to ask where you were stationed, but I see you're in Afghanistan.  Please accept my sincer Thank-you to you and your family for your service.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Given the area, she looks like a multigenerational 'farm dog'.  Plenty of dogs in South Dakota look much like that.

    SHe's a pretty girl, whatever she's got in her :)

    • Gold Top Dog

     Maybe Golden Retriever/German Shepherd?